There are currently 3 members of this household that love Thomas The Tank Engine – hubby, myself and now Little Miss. No doubt MissMostyn will also love Thomas when she’s older. So when I found out that Thomas was at Llangollen Railway last weekend we knew we had to go! (In all honesty, having Little Miss is just a fab excuse to do these things!).
It was a miserable morning and I managed to capture just how blrak it was whilst passing through the Ogwen Valley. However by the authorised of Betws Y Coed the rain had eased off and the trees looked stunning! The colours of Autumn were well and truly in their glory. Unfortunately I didn’t manage to capture the amazing colours!
After getting to Llangollen we parked up and headed to the station. I had pre-booked tickets to be collected at the station – no bother there! We went on to the platform and saw Thomas and Diesel. It looked like they were racing up and down the platform (it’s a long platform).
We crossed over and took a ride on Thomas. It was funny – the children were booing Diesel and shouting “quick quick!” to Thomas!
After racing with Thomas we crossed back over the bridge and went to see what the craft activities were. In the upstairs room they had tables with crayons and colouring sheets, a stall making balloons (which we avoided because hubby can’t stand the noise of balloons) and some face painting. Little Miss had a Thomas painted on her cheek.
We had a sport of lunch at the Station cafe – sausage, chips and beans for Little Miss although I believe we ate more of it than she did! She was too excited to eat! After lunch we went on the long train ride to Carrog Station. I had misunderstood and thought the train taking us was Goliath but it wasn’t until the ride home that I heard it was actually Douglas – made so much sense! At Carrog station Little Miss had a strop – she needed to sleep!
After getting the train back to Llangollen Station we decided to sop at the shop to buy some couple of toys. We couldn’t get the pram in the shop so I let the hubby loose in the shop! Thankfully he only bought 2 Take N Play toys for £6.49 each and a flag for £1.50 – phew didn’t break the bank! And whilst he was shopping we had a piece of cake from the Fat Controller. Little Miss was dancing away to the Thomas theme tune whilst eating her cake. So cute bless her! 🙂
Afterwards we had to head back to the car as the carpark ticket had run out. We headed to Wrexham where we had Pizza Hut for tea. All in all a pretty good day out!
Have you ever been to a day out with Thomas? Would you like to?
Aw this sounds like fun! My two saw Thomas down here when they were small and absolutely loved it!
Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix
Stevie x
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