
Best Gift Ever

Jimmy Jones at Cwmorthin

Hands down, the best Christmas present I was ever given was my dog Jimmy Jones. He was given to me by my Uncle. Apparently my Uncle had been winding my Mam up and saying he was getting me a dog for Christmas. She warned him not to get me one but he didn’t listen.

So on Christmas Eve back in 1986 (ish) my Uncle “Divid” turned up to our house with a little Jack Russell in his pocket. The moment he took him out of his pocket I fell in love. Mam said that the look on my face was enough for her not to send him back. And thank god she didn’t because he was my best friend.

I’ve shared some stories about Jimmy Jones previously in this post. Be sure to check it out! 🙂 I need to find my photos of him as I haven’t shared enough of them with you.

What was your favourite gift received?


  1. Cutest name! I love him, I think my best gift was a photo of my Nanna and Grandad and a book of knitting patterns that she had used to make.

  2. awwww bless, thats such an amazing gift to receive.

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