
#FridayFrivolity – Funny Babies


How is it Friday again already?! So that means it’s time for another Friday Frivolity linky party! Today’s theme for the hosts is Funny Babies! Which is awesome because I have two of them!

My Funny Babies

My eldest – Little Miss – loves to watch YouTube. She finds random videos on YouTube of people playing with toys. For example, she loves watching the FuzzyToyShow Channel. Personally I find it annoying but she finds it funny. She sits there watching it and all I hear are giggles!

Anyway, things they do that make me laugh:

  1. Tickle tickle – nothing better than watching Little Miss play with her little sister She’ll announce “tickle tickle!” and proceed to lunge at MissMostyn which then involves a lot of giggling.
  2. Baby giggles – nothing better than baby giggles!
  3. Random phrases – Little Miss is a talker now so she copies everything we say. Thankfully she’s not picked up on any swear words but we’ve had all the Paw Patrol phrases and this week we’ve had “Here’s Rocky! He’s super cute!” <- this one is something she picked up whilst watching YouTube
  4. Miss Mostyn’s proud as punch face – my littlest has a thing about changing the TV channel. She’ll change the channel and then look at you with a big smile on her face and her little scrunched up nose!

OK so maybe this is more of a cute babies rather than funny babies! So in honour of funny babies, here’s a funny baby meme or two. They’re mostly potty training related since we’re doing that at the moment.

Potty Training Meme

Pee Pee Everywhere

You Will Never Sleep Again

(The poor kids in these photos – it’s going to haunt them forever!)

Now on to the Link-Up!

Friday Frivolity Superbowl / Football Memes Edition! (Sort of, Not Really... ;P) Plus the Friday Frivolity LINKY PARTY - the blog link-up for all things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!

Featured Post from Last Week:In a fun twist, since we now have five hosts and co-hosts we will also have FIVE FEATURES…. but you will have to go check out the other four blogs to see if you were featured there!  😉  

Featured Post

5 Reasons To Read To Your Kids

This week my featured post comes from There’s No Place Like Home I love reading to my girls (although not the same book over and over!) and here’s 5 Reasons Why You Should Read to Your Kids.



Host, Audrey, Friday Frivolity Superbowl / Football Memes Edition! (Sort of, Not Really... ;P) Plus the Friday Frivolity LINKY PARTY - the blog link-up for all things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!

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Audrey is a wonderfully eclectic blogger, who not only can cook up a storm over on That Recipe, but also writes at Munofore – “MUsings NOt FOod RElated.”  Munofore touches on humor, parenting, crafting, holiday ideas, tutorials, and more! Check out her latest post full of photos from Mission Beach in San Diego.

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Jessica is an amazingly funny and smart blogger from Wales who writes at Babi a Fi on a whole range of topics — from entertaining vintage nostalgia, to technology tutorials, to book reviews, to raising her adorable munchkin, and so much more! In her latest post Jess shares some old school books… must see!!

Friday Frivolity Host Sarah Eliza from Devastate Boredom

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Sarah Eliza is on a mission to Devastate Boredom by living life with laughter and intention!  Her blog is your spot for Capsule Wardrobe how-to’s and inspiration, humor, encouragement, life-hacks, Read / DON’T Read book reviews, and more! I love her latest crafts adventure!

Host, Lisa, Friday Frivolity Superbowl / Football Memes Edition! (Sort of, Not Really... ;P) Plus the Friday Frivolity LINKY PARTY - the blog link-up for all things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!

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Lisa is an awesomely hilarious and authentic writer who marches to her own drum on her blog Syncopated Mama, providing an “un-labelly spot” for all the happily off-beat folks out there who have been wishing to find kindred spirits.  She shares her adventures building a natural home, teaching her adorbs daughter, establishing and refining positive communication skills, camping, creating, cooking, and so much more! Sometimes kids fall asleep in the most random places!

Oh and then there’s me – Co-Hosting for August:

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Rebecca is a fun and eclectic blogger who writes about family life in North Wales on her blog, Becster.com!  Her posts encompass parenting, travel, product reviews, tips for landlords, pop culture, and even her love of Formula 1 racing!  Her latest post is all about a recent visit to the Welsh Slate Museum in Llanberis.

Calling all bloggers looking for an upbeat and supportive group of pals to join in hosting the weekly #FridayFrivolity par-tay!  We are hoping to add to our ranks of dedicated hosts and co-hosts, and would love for you to consider joining the fun!  Co-Hosts are welcome on a temporary basis (usually a month), while Hosts make a more ongoing commitment.  🙂  Swing by here to express interest and ask any questions!

Now time for the new stuff!

This a link-up for all things funny, fun, encouraging, hopeful, and happy.  That includes free printables, giveaways, and other fun stuff to make us SMILE and start the weekend off on the right foot.

If you’re here in search of fun and uplifting reading materials, skip the rules and just start clickin’!

Bloggy buddies, thanks for coming to par-tay!

You are welcome to link up to 3 posts, and old posts are always welcome!

There are three rules only:

Friday Frivolity Superbowl / Football Memes Edition! (Sort of, Not Really... ;P) Plus the Friday Frivolity LINKY PARTY - the blog link-up for all things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!

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  1. What IS it with those opening toys videos on youtube? Everyone’s kids that I know (including MINE) are obsessed with the silly things! #FridayFrivolity

  2. Aww, your girls sound so cute! Some day I hope to have a funny baby story to tell…

  3. Aww, I can’t wait to be able to join in with this link up! Baby giggles definitely are the best!

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