
Heart Breakfast with Spence and Rachael

Heart Breakfast Presenters Spence and Rachael

A couple of years back it was announced that Heart Radio were taking over Real Radio. So all of a sudden Heart Breakfast took over Jagger and Woody by switching over the South Wales coverage to North Wales coverage. I was rather gutted as I am a big fan of Jason Harold on DriveTime.

After a couple of months (possibly years) of protest (or not tuning in) I caved and switched on Heart Breakfast. I was missing Jagger and Woody but I thought I’d give these two randoms a chance. What can I say, I was hooked! The chemistry between Spence and Rachael is just amazing! They bounce off each other and are just a real good laugh!


Spence is a bit of a misery guts when it comes to spending money and by now it’s a running theme that he’s a bit of a tight git (but in the nicest possible way!).

He’s a dog person and has two pups Lola and Daisy who are rescue dogs. I believe Lola was a rescue pup from Spain. Much admiration for that! He’s into his tech and recently bought one of those VR headsets and made poor Rach test it out….


Rachael is awesome! Such a character and a right laugh! She has the patience of a Saint having to put up with Spence! The running gag with Rach is that she’s desperate for the perfect man to enter her life. And Spence does nothing but tease her about it!

They are fantastic and are always discussing something interesting. Recently they are discussing what new things you’re going to try for 2017 and when I mentioned that I hoped to start rollerblading this year they phoned me up to discuss on the radio!

Spence and Rachael’s Big Town Showdown

One of my favourite things though is “Spence and Rachael’s Big Town Showdown”! It’s a daily quiz that they do around 8.20am where they ask 10 questions and you have to answer them in the quickest time possible. I’ve been on it (twice!) and first time round I managed to get second place!! Second time on it I didn’t do as good.

Heart Breakfast

If you want to tune in to Spence and Rachael then you can catch them on 107.2-107.7FM in the North or alternatively you can download the app or listen online. I highly recommend that you tune in in the morning from 6am as I can guarantee you will start your day with a smile on your face!! You’ll be laughing before you get to work that’s for sure!

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What do you listen to in the morning?

(I’m not affiliated with Heart Radio I just really enjoy the show!)


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