
April Bucket List

April Bucket List

Another month which means it’s time for another Bucket List! I’ll tell you now, March was a FAIL!! I had a lot of things going on at work (being made partner!) which meant that the blog fell by the wayside. Not only that my bucket list was also kicked to the side a bit. But let’s take a list what’s on my April bucket list!

March Completed Items

– Start rollerblading
– Sort out the girls’ old clothes
– Continue rollerblading
– Sort out the categories of this blog

April Bucket List

– Take dogs for a walk at least twice a week
– Sort out the cutlery drawer
– Actually buy and put up a mirror above the fireplace
– Clear out all the shoes and coats from the red room *
– Sort out the rubbish on the DVD cabinets
– Tidy up the cables around the computer
– Sort out my clothes – I’m going to be ruthless and apply my friend’s method of sorting clothes. If not worn in the last two years then it’s being thrown out!
– Get back into a blogging schedule – I’ll admit it, it’s been a bit lax recently hasn’t it?
– Start tidying the garden ready for Summer!

* I had no idea that this was funny until Rachel said it made her giggle! I can promise you that our red room is nothing like the 50 Shades version!

You may have noticed that I’ve dropped the “reading a book” task. Inevitably one hobby has to be dropped and unfortunately that’s the one. If I traveled on the bus or train to work then it’d be easy. Travelling by car means I’m wasting around 1.5 hours a day.

What have you got on your April bucket list?


  1. I know how reading can be postponed when there is no time for it. I’ve been reading 3-5 books each month this year, but last year and the years before it was a different situation. I did read this month in my lunch break. Instead of looking on social media, I’ve spent my time in the car (outside it was too cold to stay for an hour to read), eating sandwiches and reading. I felt so much better, I don’t know why I didn’t do that before.

  2. Your work sounds pretty far away! I picked up my rollerblades (reminded by you) and promptly got rubs on my legs :/ but once they have healed I will continue!

  3. I need to write a to do list but then I’d sit and cry… lol
    Good luck with it all!

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