We’ve just come back from a weekend away to the Lake District. I’m just in the middle of typing up some posts about our stay but in the meantime here’s a couple of my random photos of the weekend. How was your weekend?
Welsh Mountain Zoo
(This post is quite image heavy and please click on the photos for a larger image) A couple of weeks ago we took Little Miss to visit the Welsh Mountain Zoo at Colwyn Bay. I hadn’t been since I was in secondary school so partly the visit was for me! […]
Reverse Bucket List
Since I’m currently suffering from a bit of writer’s block I thought I would participate in Kiki’s The Circle link up – a reverse bucket list. As you know, a Bucket List is things you want to do before you die. Well the Reverse Bucket List is things you’ve already done! So […]
The Story Of Us – Getting Engaged
I haven’t done one of these posts in a while but if you remember my previous ones, you will recall that one of the reasons my hubby asked me out is because I liked Red Dwarf. In fact we were both huge fans of the show! So in October 2009 […]
Make A Habit / Break A Habit Link Up
I’m participating in the Make A Habit / Break A Habit Link Up (with Lauren at My Passion Journey and Britt of The Pinnacle Project) again this month. March Re-Cap I still have some habits from January that I’ve yet to break! I think these may take a while! And […]
10 Things I Want To Achieve This Year
im linking up with Stevie of A Cornish Mum for 10 Things Linky! I had a nice media post all planned out for Monday but since this week hasn’t gone quite to plan that idea kind of went out the window! So instead I give you my list of 10 things I want to […]