
10 Things I Want To Achieve This Year

im linking up with Stevie of A Cornish Mum for 10 Things Linky! I had a nice media post all planned out for Monday but since this week hasn’t gone quite to plan that idea kind of went out the window! So instead I give you my list of 10 things I want to accomplish this year. 

1) Have Another Baby

Well given that I’m almost 6 months pregnant then hopefully if everything goes well then this one is a certainty! 

2) Re-Ignite The Spark In Our Relationship 

By our I mean hubby and I. If truth be told since having Little Miss all of our time has been focused on her so we’ve had little time for us. So I want to focus a bit more on us as a couple which means going out to the cinema and having a night off parental duties. We’re very lucky to have Nain and Taid who will look after Little Miss for an evening. 

3) Make A Scrapbook

For the past 4 months I’ve been ordering 50 free prints via the Snapfish app and I really want to make a scrapbook of Little Miss’ first holiday. The trouble is it’s difficult to find time what with Little Miss to look after, working full time and things will get hectic again once baby number 2 arrives! But I will give it a go! Here’s so,e layout ideas I’ve been pinning on Pinterest lately.


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4) Visit A Castle 

Hubby wants to visit Harlech Castle but I may persuade him to go to Caernarfon Castle instead. Personally I don’t mind either since I’ve already been to both as a child. Pone day I’ll visit them all again (Harlech, Caernarofn, Biwmares, Conwy, Criccieth and Rhuddlan) but for this year I want to visit at least one!

5) Have A Manicure

I never thought I’d say it but I would love a proper manicure! Since I now have long fingernails  – yes I kicked the nail biting habit! – I can have a manicure! Or even some nail art. I’ve seen some fantastic ones on Pinterest! Not sure where to go though… if you know me at all then beauty routines isn’t normally my thing!


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6) Change My Hair Colour

Speaking of beauty routines and the like, I would really love to be brave enough to change my hair colour. I know I’ve done it in the past (I’ve done the whole pink and purple hair thing) but these days I would like to change it but still keep it professional looking. Not sure if work would allow me to have pink hair now since I’m much more in contact with clients than previously. I’m almost tempted to go red but with my pale complexion it may not suit me. I can still dream about the pink and purple hair colour though! Which is why I have a whole bunch of pins about it!



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7) Become Fit

Once baby number 2 has arrived I want to slim back down to a nice low 14. Ideally I’d love to be size 12 again (Hell I remember a time I was size 8!) but that’s not going to happen! I would like to tone up my arms, legs and belly. I have some awesome printed tshirt a that dont fit because I’m on the heavier side of 14 so would love to be able to wear my Gizmo top for example!

8) Sort Through My Clothes

I need to sort through my wardrobe and get rid of anything that doesn’t fit and doesn’t hope of fitting. So those size 12s are all going to the recycle! I know for a fact that I have a size 10 in the wardrobe it in all fairness that one is more of a large 12 so I’ll keep it. Plus it’s one of my favourite dresses!

9) Finish My Cross Stitch Project

In fact I need to finish this project ASAP! I also would like to get the project I did for Little Miss framed and make a similar one for her little sister. Lots to do! 

10) Finish The House

Last but not least, I want to get the house finished so Mam can move in. This is why we’ve had the last four days off to get some work done. We’ve managed to tile the kitchen, strip some wallpaper and paint the bathroom ceiling. I know it does’t sound like much but hey we’re not professional tilers!


So that’s my list! Wish me luck! If you want to join in then head on over to Stevie’s blog!


  1. I wanna start scrap booking! I think that I would be good at it!

  2. I reckon you should give it a go! It’s just finding the time to do it!

  3. It’s just finding the time to do it! It’ll be lots of fun once I get started though! Give it a go!

  4. Good luck with completing everything! Have you looked into digital scrapbooking? That’s what I ended up doing.

  5. Thanks! Not thought about digital scrap booking – what’s that?

  6. I do it on Photoshop, it’s basically scrap booking but on the computer, ideas on my pinterest board -https://www.pinterest.com/xxdinlo88/digital-scrapbooking/ and some that i’ve done: https://www.flickr.com/photos/xxdinlo88/sets/72157643160404313/ then, if you want you print out the whole page (I do them in 8×10)

  7. Aww, the Dalmation nail art is so cute!

    I got rid of loads of my clothes before I started pacling. It’s amazing how much I can throw away when I know I hav to pack and unpack whatever’s left šŸ˜‰

  8. Isn’t it? There’s some awe some nail art out there. I can’t even paint my nails in one colour without making an a mess!

    See that’s a great incentives of organise and declutter!

  9. I’ve never thought about doing it like that but such a great idea! Would also save me a ton of money!

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