
8 Photos of Happiness Tag

I’m doing my fair share of tags recently and I’m doing another one but here goes…

Rules and explanation of this tag

  • Thank your nominator/s and link them in your post.
  • Link the creator (Ariel’s little corner of the internet)
  • Post your 8 photos of happiness (The photos can be anything that represents a moment, object, place or feeling that makes you happy.)
  • Pop in a brief description of the photo, why you chose it or let the photos do the talking!
  • Spread the happiness and tag up to ten other bloggers!

So firstly let me thank Lauren for tagging me – I love being tagged for stuff!

And here’s my 8 Photos – really difficult when deciding on some of the wedding photos! I’ve put them in date order starting with the earliest first.

Date Unknown – approx 1988


This photo is a typical photo from my childhood – Taid, Jimmy (the dog) and me on one of our walks! Dad is taking the photo.

4/5/2008 – Sunny Selfie in Llandudno


I remember this moment very well. We were lying on the grass in Llandudno during the Victorian Extravaganza. There were children playing nearby and we had just had a conversation about having children. Bear in mind that we hadn’t been dating a month at this point! We were pretty sure we’d end up together forever!

November 2009


Taid and me at Dad’s wedding in November 2009. Is it wrong that I can’t actually remember the date!?!

August 2011


Me with my Aussie Grit (Mark Webber) flag at my first Grand Prix!!

Date Unknown – post 2011


I don’t know the date of this photo but I know it was before Little Miss was born. This was our little family unit before she arrived. I still love this photo – the dogs are behaving!!

15/9/2012 – Dancing Hubby


This is one of my favourite photos of our wedding day – it’s hubby singing his heart out to some cheesy music and having a great time dancing! Always makes me smile this one. 



I couldn’t not post this photo! Meeting Mark Webber at the Canadian Grand Prix.

10/1/2014 – First Baby Cuddles


You’ll have to forgive the image quality and the state of me but this was the first selfie I have with Little Miss. One of the happiest moments of my life was giving this one cuddles!

Now I tag:

  1. Stevie at A Cornish Mum
  2. Bev at Confuzzledom
  3. Holly at Full of Beans (and Sausages)
  4. Kerry at XOKerry
  5. Diana at Life In German
  6. Becki at Being Becki
  7. Bethany at In The Clouds
  8. Jade at Raising The Rings
  9. Sarah at Dasher Life
  10. Jess at Mummy of Boy Girl Twins

(You don’t have to participate if you don’t want to! And also if you do want to participate then join in anyway!)

If you’ve been tagged then please link your posts in the comments so I can nosey at your photos! 🙂


  1. Ooh will definitely be doing this one lovely! love your photos, but ha what does hubby say tot he fact he didn’t get a heart shape for his photo? 😉 Canada is on my bucket list for definite, I’ve always want to go….so a little jealous 😉

    Stevie x

  2. Yay can’t wait! I actually love this tag because it’s so easy to share happy photos! 🙂 Hubby doesn’t read the blog so he won’t know! And also the Webber photo is actually an old one I’ve yet to revamp!

  3. Aw, this is lovely! I love the ones with the dogs and your Little Miss!

  4. mummyofboygirltwins

    This is such a lovely idea!! 🙂 Really love the ones you have shared – love the one of your Hubby singing his heart out! And your first baby cuddles 🙂 Thanks for the tag! Jess xx


  5. I love that your photos all involve your family <3 will go work out my own pics right now!

  6. Aww, what a cute idea! Such sweet photos of your family. I love the one with your husband singing, he looks super happy haha! XD

  7. This is such a lovely idea for a post, you’ve made me want to go digging through photos now!

  8. Isn’t it just? Please feel free to participate!

  9. I love that photo of him! Almost my favourite photo from our wedding day! He just looks so free (despite the fact he just got married!!)

  10. Well I think my family makes me happy more than anything!

  11. I love this idea as well! I loved looking back through photos! x

  12. Thanks! Feel free to particpate! Love looking at people’s photos 🙂

  13. Those are some very lovely photos! thanks for the tag.

  14. I just realized you tagged me! I’ll have to rummage up some photos now 🙂

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