
Coffee Date Friday

It’s another Friday and another Coffee Date linkup with Jenna at DearestLove and this month’s cohost – Britney of The Quiet Place! So if we were having coffee (or decaf tea in my case), this week is be telling you:

That having a midwife appointment is a pain in the bum.

On Tuesday I had a checkup – everything was fine so no worries about the baby. But my midwife – who is lovely by the way – is always late! And when you walk in to the surgery and see a notice saying yet again…

Due to GP shortages, surgeries are running late

…your heart sinks. I ended up waiting for 20 minutes which was not bad at all. Although it could be worse, there was a lady sat next to me with a small girl with an earache and they’d been waiting since 8.40am (I was seen at 10.50am and they were still waiting). Thankfully I had already done some work from home so I didn’t have to lose too much time at work.

Everything is OK with the baby – heartbeat sounded strong, my blood pressure is doing well and bloods were taken to test my thyroid levels again. I have to go back in 3 weeks for another checkup and then arrange to see a consultant as my last baby was delivered via emergency c-section.

Car Troubles


It has been an expensive week for our cars! Firstly, we’ve swapped my beautiful blue Fiesta (above) for a newer one. Unfortunately the only colour they had was black which is so boring in comparison!

Secondly I had to borrow hubby’s car for two days a week so I could drop Little Miss off at the nursery – the car seat is fixed into his car. It’s a Ford Focus (yup we are a Ford family!) and because it was that much bigger than the Fiesta, I can’t quite see over the bonnet! So when I was parking last week I managed to hit a kerb with the front passenger wheel (oops!) and – I cannot be blamed for this one – managed to pickup a screw in the back tyre. This meant that we had to have 2 new tyres fitted!! Also his car was due for a service this week so all in all we’ve spent almost £400 on his car in one week!

Week Off!

In other news both hubby & I have a week off next week. We are not going away but instead going to try to get some work done on the house we bought last year. Even though there is now a kitchen and a bathroom, there is still a lot of work to be done. So we plan to get the tiling in the kitchen done, tidying up, painting and wallpapering if possible. Due to the fact that I am now 25 weeks pregnant I can’t do too much heavy duty stuff but I will do what I can! I will no doubt post a bit of an update with regards to the house at the end of next week!

Whilst we’re at the house Little Miss will still be going to nursery and to Nain’s because there’s too much mess for her to be with us at the moment. She’s also a bit too young to help! She still hasn’t quite grasped the concept of not eating things that aren’t food! So I really can’t trust her with a paintbrush yet!



And my final thought of the week is that I was so excited to publish my first sponsored post yesterday! If you didn’t see it then check it out – Wellies by Joules

How was your week so far?


  1. Those rain boots are adorable!!

    Sorry about your car troubles. I have curbed a tire a time or two (or 5!) myself. HAHA

    Glad your appointment went well! It’s always reassuring to hear the baby sounds good! Have a great weekend!

  2. yay for the week off! hope you get to do a lot, and rest!

  3. I love Joulles! I’ve been wanting some of their boots for a while now! How do you like yours? So sorry about your car issues. Those are no fun at all!

  4. I like them but unfortuney they gave me blisters last time I used them. I’m hoping they’ll be ok for use in the garden though.

  5. We got a lot done! Although I’m tired now though. Managed to get a lot of sleep yesterday though

  6. The worst thing when i kerb the tyres is that I have to tell hubby it was my fault! He reckons I can’t drive!

    It was so good to hear her heartbeat again. 🙂

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