
Currently – May

Taking part in another month of “Currently” Link Up with Jenna at Gold and Bloom and Anne at Anne In Residence.

Designing: not much to be honest although I’m thinking of a redesign for my blog header.

Enjoying: well I’ve been off work for the past 3 days due to a sickness bug hitting our house. Little Miss caught it first and passed it on to me & hubby. No I’ve not enjoyed the bug but I have enjoyed catching up on some sleep.

Ordering: more building work! The builder is going over to the house tomorrow to do some more work for us which means I need to make a list of what needs doing.

Celebrating: not sure if this counts as celebrating but I’m counting down the days until I start my maternity leave! I finish end of May which is in about 4 weeks! actually 3 weeks on Friday!

Tasting: a pack of fruit salad flavoured Chewits which are just yum!!

Sorry it’s a pretty boring post this month! It’s been a crap couple of days if truth be told and it’s not looking like it’s picking up anytime soon! However I am looking forward to next week as I have a date night planned with hubby – we’re off to see Pitch Perfect 2! LOVE the first film!


  1. Oh wow, end of May is so soon!
    I hope you’re fully recovered from your sickness bug now.

  2. aww this is such a cute blog post idea! id love it if youd comment back http://www.amyelizabethfashion.com/2015/05/hello-may.html xx

  3. Blog redesigns are always fun! Hope you’re all feeling better, and that’s exciting how soon your maternity leave is coming up. Thanks for linking up!

  4. Well me and the hubby are both feeling better but Little Miss isn’t! I thought she’d turned a corner but urgh no! I am so looking forward to maternity leave this time around!! 🙂

  5. Well I can’t take credit for the idea! That’s all down to Anne and Jenna!

  6. I know! I can’t believe I only have 3 weeks (or 14 working days!). Hubby & I are better thanks but Little Miss is still not well. Just when you think she’s better she gets it again!

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