February Bullet Journal
Arts & Crafts

February Bullet Journal

February Bullet Journal

Oh wow January flew by and just like that I’m bringing you my February Bullet Journal Setup!

February Bullet Journal Cover

On the left us my cover page for February which includes the calendar / on the right is a photo of the key for my bullet journal

Rather than having a cover page and a separate calendar page, for February I’m merging both pages into one. As you can see, my colour theme for February is red and black and yes that’s because it’s Valentine’s Day. Not that I’m a big fan of Valentine’s Day…. but I’m actually liking the red and black combo.

Weekly Spreads

Weekly spread in my bullet journal

I actually really liked my January bullet journal layouts so I’m keeping them for February with some small modifications. This year I want to try and exercise more and eat less rubbish. So to track these, I have a weekly food, exercise and water tracker. I aim to do three different workouts in a week – one abs, one legs and one arms…. there’s not been much thought to this as yet so I might change it. However, in order to inspire me, if I have something to tick off then there’s hope I’ll actually get it done! Same goes for water consumption.

Monthly Trackers

My sleep tracker

As well as the mini weekly trackers mentioned above, I also have a monthly tracker of habits/chores. On it I’m tracking who did what i.e. was it me, or the husband who put the girls to bed or did the dishes. I started February by writing E or B depending on if it was the husband or myself. However it looked messy so instead I converted to being black for husband and red for myself.

In addition, I have a sleep (“cwsg”) tracker to log how I’m sleeping. I used an app called Sleep Cycle which tracks my sleep using my phone. I’m using the free version so it doesn’t log my sleep cycle for longer than a week.

Diary Pages

In January I used a few pages after the weekly spreads to write down day to day thoughts. It was moderately successful but I found I didn’t write it on the day. This month I’m aiming to write in it daily. It isn’t quite a gratitude log but similar in that it’s daily snippets.


I’ve carried on the same idea as January with a Memories (“Atgofion”) page. For January I printed off various photos at the end of the month and stuck them in. I think it worked pretty well and hopefully February will look just as good!

How is your February Bullet Journal looking?

Take a sneak peak through my February Bullet Journal! I show you my setup for February which is of course a Valentine's themed layout.

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