


So on Sunday (Day 3) hubby was still at the tournament so I decided to drive up to Keswick to visit the Pencil Museum! Sounds odd I know but it tunred out to be a pretty good day all in all.

It was about an hour’s drive up to Keswick and I got to drive through beautiful scenic landscapes. Unfortunately I didn’t get to stop to take any photos but it was lovely! 

I parked up at the Pencil Museum but decided to go for a walk into the town first as it was market day. I didn’t know before arriving that it was market day so that was a bonus! It was really cold there though and luckily I had brought Little Miss’ snowsuit with me. Excessive for April you’d think but well worth it!

We browsed the market stalls and then some of the smaller shops. I found this soap shop and had a bit of a nosey. My Mam sweats that honey and oatmeal soaps help her skin so I bought her some (normally I get her some made by Celtic Herbal which is local to us but I thought this would be a nice present for a change!


I also wondered into a gallery and saw some amazing artwork by a local artist. He was actually in the shop when I went in because he wasn’t too keen on me taking a photo of the work (which is why I’m not sharing it here). I was actually taking a photo of it to show hubby as I was looking for a painting or artwork to put up at home. Although I was feeling rather belittled because I said I was looking for a “photo” to put up but of course I didn’t mean “photo” – forgive me, but English isn’t actually my first language and occasionally I can’t think what the correct terms are in English. Anyway, as you can imagine, I didn’t buy anything. To be honest I was tempted to buy a print of one of his painting until the conversation I had. To describe the paintings were of cartoony type sheep couple embracing on hilltops. Which I really really liked! I did show the photo to hubby and he said that they were nice but that these Cow paintings by Caroline Shotton were better. (Sorry! Rant over!!)

After that I walked back through the market and stopped by a stall selling these cute little cactus type plants. I got talking to the seller who informed me that I couldn’t kill it because it thrived on neglect! And they are fantastic for combating condensation! We have serious problem with condensation in our ensuite. The cactus cost £15 but I though I’d give it a go! Everything else we’ve tried hasn’t worked so at leats this will be pretty to look at if it doesn’t work.

I then walked back down to the Pencil Museum where I changed Little Miss back into her normal clothes so we could have a walk around the museum. I bravely put her on her reins rather than push her around in the pushchair. Slight mistake because she’s not quite steady enough on her feet.


Now I hear you ask what on earth is the Pencil Museum. Well pretty much the first(ish) pencils were made in the area after they discovered graphite deposits. So the Museum was all about the discovery and development of pencils.

It included a very interesting exhibit of how pencils were used during World War 2. They took out the graphite and put in minuscule maps. I didn’t quite get to finish reading the exhibit due to Little Miss running off but I think it also mentioned that they developed a tiny minuscule compass to put in a pencil as well!

Other exhibits included the world’so largest pencil, first pencil sharpener and a diamond crusted pencil that was made for the Queen’s Jubilee.

It was a very interesting place and I would’ve loved to spend more time reading the exhibits but unfortuwntly I had to keep and eye on my girl!

After that we had lunch at the museum before heading back toWindermere to pick up the hubby.

We decided to go out for a meal and opted for an Italian restaurant in Bowness which came highly recommended by one of hubby’s friends. To be honest it was nice but wasn’t as good as we’d expected.

So that’s Day 3 of our weekend!


  1. the pencil museum sounds interesting. and I hope the cactus plant works for you!

  2. It looks so pretty! And I reeeeally want to visit the pencil museum. It sounds fascinating! There’s an old paper mill (now a museum but they still make paper) here in Basel and it’s so cool.

  3. That little soap shop looks so cute and the cactus plant looks quite cool! The museum sounds like a great place to wander around too.



  4. I didn’t know there was a pencil museum, but I must go IMMEDIATELY.

    Aisling | aisybee.

  5. I didn’t either! I just wish I could’ve taken in more of it as I’m sure it was really interesting! If you visit, let me know what you think!

  6. The soap shop was lovely! I’ve used two of the soaps I purchased and they are just wonderful! Not sure if the cactus plant is having any effect on our bathroom but it looks pretty though! 🙂

  7. I wish I could’ve taken in the exhibits a bit more – there seemed to be a fascinating exhibit about the war but unfortunetley I couldn’t read it fully thanks to Little Miss running round the place!

  8. Still not sure if the cactus plant is working but it looks great anyway!

  9. I never realised there was a pencil museum, but it actually sounds really interesting!
    Something to bare in mind for sure.

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