
Liked and Loved – October

Liked and Loved - October 2017

Well that’s another month done and dusted… so here’s what I liked and loved during October!

Date Night

Mam offered to look after the girls so we could go to the cinema. We went to see Thor Ragnarok and it was a good film. As DadvWorld said it’s a cross between Guardians of the Galaxy and the previous Thor.. The music is cool and colourful and there’s some adult jokes in it. It isn’t as good as Guardians but much better than Thor 2!

Impractical Jokers

YAAAAAASSSSS!!! It’s @joe_gatto y’all!!!! #thetenderloins #whereslarry #impracticaljokers

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We went to see The Tenderloins (aka Impractical Jokers) for the third time! We were around 6 rows back so at the end we stormed the stage which resulted in the above photo! I really love it! We waited outside but the guys didn’t come out. But we got a message on Twitter from Murr….

New Job

I mentioned in a previous post that husband had been offered a new job. Well on the 3rd he started said job and he’s enjoying it – phew! It’s in the same town we live in so there’s no travelling and he can take girls to school!


Wales Rally GB

On the 28th I went to the Wales Rally GB with Mam, her partner and his daughter. We went to the Dyfi stage which is not where we had intended on going. It was still a great experience. A cold and damp experience but still enjoyable. I can see us getting into this now!

Yellow Roses

Yellow Roses

If you follow me on Instagram then you’ll know about my little yellow rose bush. The roses have now bloomed and I have two beautiful yellow roses. There are others budding as well and I’m super pleased as the rose bush came from Taid’s house.

So that’s it! What have you liked and loved this month?

A Cornish Mum


  1. Those roses are beautiful! We’ve had our annual “Harry Potter” month where we read the recently released illustrated HP Book with our boys & that culminates with us watching the corresponding movie on Halloween night! This year was Azkaban which is my favourite so I loved it — & so did they! xx

  2. Sounds like a great month and good news about your husband’s new job. My main achievement for October was starting to get out and about after my foot op at the end of August 😀

  3. Hope your husband is enjoying his new job, always good when you work close to home. x #likedandloved

  4. It sounds like you had a very lovely month!! Thanks so much for sharing with us. I had a hectic but happy October although it seems to have flown by!!

  5. We went to see Thor Ragnarok on our date night too. Seems you had a lovely month.

  6. We’ve not seen the new Thor film yet, though I want to at some point. We’re off to see the Justice League tomorrow night, I can’t wait 🙂

    Thanks for joining in with #LikedandLoved again!

    Stevie x

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