I’m participating in the Make A Habit / Break A Habit Link Up (with Lauren at My Passion Journey a Britt of The Pinnacle Project) again this month.
March Re-Cap
I still have some habits from January that I’ve yet to break! I think these may take a while! And if truth be told, March has not been a very good month for Make A Habit/Break A Habit. :/
Habits to Make – March
- Brushing my teeth and Little Miss’ teeth twice a day – well I’ve gotten better at doing mine but Little Miss’ teeth is a struggle! She won’t let me brush them!
- Cross-stitching for at least 30mins everyday – this one was not very successful but I did get a big chunk of my project done.
- Plan meals ahead for the week – I’ve tried! And partially succeeded but needs refining!
Habits to Break – March
- Eating unhealthy snacks – must cut out the chocolate!! (January goal!)
- Leaving my desk untidy (January goal!)
- Leaving junk mail all over the house – well they end up in the recycling bin sooner than previously but still taking some time to get there. They’ve usually been scribbled over by Little Miss first though!
- Wasting food – this is linked to the Habits to Make above
April Goals
I’m not going to make any new plans for this month but instead try and concentrate on cracking the above!
How about you? Is there anything you want to achieve this month?
If you fancy participating the click on the button above to visit the Link Up!
The only thing I want to achieve this month is getting my old flat cleaned from top to bottom ready for the handover and getting the rest of the stuff moved in to the new one.
Like this idea. For April I have a lot of trying to conceive a baby goals, e.g. continuing to improve my diet/green cleaning collection/charting/understanding, I am enjoying it all though!
I, too, struggle SO much with brushing twice a day. I need to get my life together! I know it’s good for me but I just cannot get into that habit!
I honestly don’t understand why both you and I struggle with it so much! It’s such a simple thing!
Ooo baby conceiving goals? Sounds very exciting! I also need to improved my diet but failing big time at the moment!
Hows the move going? Are you all done now or still lots to do? Goodluck with the cleaning! Horrible job!
It is both exciting and obsessive compulsive at once!
So simple, and yet, I am SO lazy! LOL!