
My Greatest Accomplishment

Today’s prompt was the question, what is my greatest accomplishment. The answer is pretty simple, my girls. 

My Greatest Accomplishment

In case you don’t know, I have two beautiful girls. I don’t show their faces or share their names on here or my social media. Hubby and I decided to keep some element of their lives private. 

Little Miss

My eldest is referred to as Little Miss. Of course by now it should be updated because we have a younger little miss but hey ho, sometimes you don’t think things through. 

She’s not far off being 3 years old (January) – where the hell did all that time go? I swear she was only starting to toddle around yesterday. 

She’s started pre-school and is learning new things everyday. It’s amazing! 

Her interests are Paw Patrol, My Little Pony and cake – a girl after my own heart!

She can count to ten in both Welsh and English. Not sure if I should throw French into the mix!


My youngest is referred to as MissMostyn and she’s a proper little madam!

She’s 18months and a day younger than her sister. Also a toddler! She started walking a couple of months ago as there’s no stopping her! Angen llygaid yn fy nhin as they say!

Her interests are Thomas the Tank, chewing crayons and changing the TV channel with the remote. 

They’re both very happy little girls so we must be doing something right!

What is your greatest accomplishment?



  1. I am really umming and ahhing about whether to share about my baby – the conundrum is honestly stressing me out!

  2. Aww! Bless them….Even without showing their faces you can tell they are just lovely!

  3. Aww thank you! But don’t be fooled, both can be nightmares at times!

  4. Ah I’m sorry my post didn’t help much then! It’s whatever you both feel comfortable sharing.

    I know I love looking at other bloggers baby pics on IG etc but I can’t share mine.

    I mean don’t get me wrong, I would love to share photos of them as they’re so cute but well I can’t!

  5. I think I may do something similar to you and just share the odd little snippet here and just try not to make it a big deal. It doesn’t detract from your blog at all, hopefully it won’t from mine!

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