Bywyd Teulu

Rollerblading Bucket List

My rollerblading bucket list includes Playa Las Americas, Florida Keys, Miami, San Francisco, Melbourne to name a few

In my 2019 Goals post I mentioned that I aim to go rollerblading at least once a month during 2019. As the weather has been awful and I’ve been terribly busy at work, I’ve not been since January 1st! Instead I’ve been watching videos on how to rollerblade and started following some rollerblading Instagrammers. Now, I’m itching to get the rollerblades on!

Places to go Rollerblading

The trouble I have is that it’s difficult to find anywhere with smooth-ish surfaces. The tarmac around here is so bitty and full of potholes that it’s just too much of a risk of falling for my liking.

It doesn’t help that all the Instagrammers and Vloggers I’ve seen are based abroad and get to rollerblade along these stunning coastlines. They all look so cool and carefree! Maybe that’s it… I’m not cool enough to rollerblade!

Rollerblading Bucket List

One good thing about watching them is that I get to see other places to go rollerblading. I’ve always had Santa Monica in my mind from the movies but here’s just a few more that I’ve found.

  1. Melbourne, Australia
    There are lots of people who rollerblade around Melbourne! And for me, that has to be top of the list! I’ve mentioned before that I would love to go to Melbourne for the F1 at Albert Park and to see Neighbours! Well now I also have the added “rollerblade at Albert Park” on my list… which cements Melbourne to top of the list!
  2. Barcelona, Spain
    Barcelona appears to be busy with rollerbladers as well! I’ve also never been to Barcelona but the city looks fab! So what better way to visit than on rollerblades?
  3. Playa de Las Americas, Tenerife
    This is on the bucket list as it’s the one I actually hope to achieve! We’re going to Tenerife in May and I’m almost 99% sure that I’m taking the rollerblades with me. I’ve been on Google Maps and scoped out where I can go. I think there’s a circuit which is about 1 mile along the front which I could do.
  4. Santa Monica and Venice Beach, Los Angeles, USA
    This is on the list purely because of the movies. All the cool characters in the movies seem to go rollerblading along Venice Beach and the Santa Monica Pier…. why can’t I be that cool?
  5. Miami and Florida Keys, USA
    The husband suggested Miami and if I adopt the “go big or go home” then surely the most epic thing I could do is to go rollerblading along the Florida Keys?! It would be an adventure and a half!
  6. Silverstone, UK
    Silverstone do track days for cars but do you think they do track days for rollerblades? How awesome would it be to rollerblade around the circuit that I saw Mark Webber race around in 2012? Yes! Sign me up for that!
  7. San Francisco, USA
    Rollerblading over the Golden Gate Bridge would be pretty epic wouldn’t it? Although I have read that you’re not allowed to cycle over the bridge but I could always rollerblade under it. I’ve been browsing Google Maps (one of my favourite pastimes) and there seems to be some lovely paths there. Although I will need to master downhill rollerblading before going to San Francisco!

Hmmm… given items 1 and 6 on the list, maybe I ought to put “all the F1 circuits” on the list?!

Any recommendations for my rollerblading bucket list?

Rollerblading Bucket List - I'm itching to get back on the blades but whilst the weather here in the UK isn't always the best, here's my top 7 places I'd love to rollerblade!

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