
Taid – 4 Mlynedd 

I can’t believe it’s been 4 years since we lost him. It’s not something I’ll ever forget.

But I worry that I’m starting to forget him as the person he was – that invincible man that was always my biggest fan.

So much happens everyday that I sometimes I may not think about him. Then there’s a beautiful sunrise and it makes me think of him and how he’s looking out for me still.

And then these two girls. I so wish he could meet them. They would absolutely have loved him as much as I did. And he would’ve loved them too. It’s a shame that he had to leave us before they came along.

Taid, I’m sorry I may not think about you daily but you’re always here with me x


  1. I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s a shame the little ones can’t see him and talk with him. Try to do all you can to remember the good things, like making a journal with funny stories so you always remember them. xx

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