Thomas and Friends – 5 Reasons I Dislike the New Version
Let me just caveat that title. I don’t dislike Thomas and Friends. Far from it, I enjoy it. But that said, I do prefer the old school version better – my childhood was spent watching Thomas the Tank Engine so I’m having a difficult time adjusting to the new Thomas and Friends. So here are my 5 reasons I dislike the new Thomas and Friends.
Theme Tune
Thomas and Friends now has a snazzy theme tune that you can sing along to….
…but can someone please give me back my whistles theme tune!
Why oh why did they need to CGI the whole thing? There is nothing wrong with old school Thomas. The set and engines are superb but this CGI version is just a bit too modern for my liking
New voices
The engines are no longer Scouse! And I find that hard to bear! For those who don’t know, classic Thomas was voiced by Ringo Starr* and Michael Angelis – both of which are Liverpudlians with a good strong Scouse accent.
(* he only voiced two series of Thomas but for me he was the voice of my childhood Thomas adventures.)
Now these CGI engines all have different voices and I don’t like it one little bit! And don’t get me started on Edward….
… hang on, I shall vent about my beloved Edward engine. My favourite engine and I don’t like his “new” voice. He may be the oldest engine on Sodor but for me he’s young at heart. But his new voice is old and posh and completely not what I expected. And for that reason I’m disappointed in this new incarnation of Edward.
Also he’s such a fuddy duddy now. He was always a dependable and reliable engine but never a fuddy duddy.
Oh Edward what have they done to you?!
New Characters
There are a ton of new characters which for me seems to be in order to sell more toys! But my main gripe is that they seem to have all these new characters and have shunned the older characters. Edward I mentioned above and Duck! I hardly ever see Duck these days. Oh I miss that Great Western Engine!
How do you feel about the new Thomas and Friends? Or have you taken offence to any other childhood TV programme that they’ve re-done?
really nice post i must say…strongly agree with your points..i also hate this actually proved here that old is gold
Got to say I agree as much as Thomas has become Wills new favourite show there are little things that bug me like all the new engines and the lack of Liverpool voices, but have to admit don’t think Will would watch it if it wasn’t for the CGI animation lol
For me it happened when they made this new series of Carebears that has nothing in common with the old show…
My little guy is watching both the new and old Thomas, and he likes them both. I got to know the new episodes first, so I don’t feel bad about them.