
Welsh Slate Museum (Llanberis Snowdonia)

Welsh Slate Museum

The Amgueddfa Lechi Cymru (Welsh Slate Museum) is located in Llanberis and as the name suggests it’s a museum about slate… Welsh slate. Given my love of Welsh slate, this place feels like home. And in all honesty, you can’t blame me for feeling at home when I visit because these houses – the quarrymen cottages – were taken from my hometown.

Editing some photos for a blog post and now I know why going to @amgueddfalechi feels like home. I remember this row of houses in my village and I was there watching them being taken down brick by brick (or slate by slate) and painstakingly numbered and references for rebuilding at the National Slate Museum. And here they are, rebuilt in Llanberis #snowdonia

A photo posted by Rebecca (@becsterdotcom) on

Entrance and Courtyard

As you walk in through the archway you’re reminded of how dangerous quarries were with framed Danger Notices and copies of the Workmen’s Compensation Acts.

Historical signs at the Welsh Slate Museum

In the courtyard that follows, there are a lot of old slateworks items such as trains and carts etc. Being a fan of Thomas the Tank, Little Miss of course absolutely loves the trains! We have a fantastic photo of her stood in one of the “troublesome trucks” (as she called it).

Amgueddfa Lechi Cymru Welsh Slate Museum


Along the sides of the Courtyard there are numerous rooms which hold different exhibitions. One exhibition currently there, is the World War Exhibition which details the impact of the War on Welsh mining communities.

In another is an exhibition and video about the life and times of a Welsh quarryman. And in that room there is also a number of aerial photos of the Welsh quarries including a scale model of the Blaenau Ffestiniog area. I stood there looking at it for quite some time and couldn’t quite place what was wrong with it. It was clearly Blaenau but it just wasn’t quite right to me.

Scale model of the Blaenau Ffestiniog quarries at Welsh Slate Museum

Cafe and Playground

From there you walk through to another area beyond the courtyard where the cafe, play area and the quarrymen cottages are located. The cafe serves the usual foods and we had a nice soup and an afternoon tea (scone, clotted cream and jam).

The children’s playground is also located by the quarrymen cottages. Natural, Little Miss had a go at the slides. She has no fear!

Someone being daring at the park yesterday #ukparentbloggers #welshslate #llechicymraeg #amgueddfalechi #llanberis #snowdonia

A photo posted by Rebecca (@becsterdotcom) on

The Sound Of Slate

Not far from the playground and cafe is the big water wheel. We didn’t go to see that on this occasion but it is fully accessible with a pram or wheelchair (i.e. there’s a lift!). Instead we went to see “The Sound of Slate” installation by Jay Harrison. It was amazing!! Open this image fully to see the description or alternatively, have a peek at the short video that follows.

Amgueddfa Lechi Cymru Welsh Slate Museum

Yes! I got to see the musical slate installation at @amgueddfalechi #welshslate

A video posted by Rebecca (@becsterdotcom) on

Old Workshops

Moving on from here, you walk through old workshops which house a plethora of old tools including a number of these sturdy vices.

Amgueddfa Lechi Cymru Welsh Slate Museum

Amgueddfa Lechi Cymru Welsh Slate Museum

In another room off the Courtyard you can find one of the little steam engines on display. I’m not sure if this one is used on the railway that goes by the Welsh Slate Museum.

Amgueddfa Lechi Cymru Welsh Slate Museum

As you can see, there is plenty to see at the Welsh Slate Museum. Be sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Twitter accounts to see about any upcoming events. Unfortunately The Sound of Slate has now finished otherwise I would definitely recommend it.

Opening Times and More Information

The Museum is open daily from 10am to 5pm (10am to 4pm Nov-Easter) and is FREE entry.

Welsh Slate Museum – Website / Facebook / Twitter

I hope I’ve convinced you that you ought to visit the Welsh Slate Museum! I enjoyed our visit and hope to go back soon!

Have you ever been to the Welsh Slate Museum? What did you think?

Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday


  1. I remember going there on our annual school camping trip to Wales.
    That was a few more years ago than I care to admit and I till remember it vividly.

    It’s a great day out and really interesting. How great you got to see a row of houses from your hometown there!

  2. I love the slate museum! It’s really interesting. It wasn’t too far from where I grew up! #KCACOLS

  3. The sound of slate – love it! In other almost non-related news – this week I learned what the welsh word for microwave was and it had the word ping in it, which I just loved!

  4. My husband and I have always wanted to visit Wales. It’s such a majestic country! This looks like a lovely day out !! #KCACOLS

  5. This looks like a great day out! I’m a sucker for anything historical – I can’t wait until Marianna’s big enough to take to Big Pit 😀

  6. Madeline Littlejohns

    I’ve never been, but it looks really interesting. Think we’ll have to add it to our list of places to take our children when they’re a little older, to learn more about their Welsh heritage! x #KCACOLS

  7. Fascinating! I think places like this are so important for teaching our children (and us as well) of how things used to be.

  8. I have never been to Wales properly (only to see Oasis at Cardiff many years ago!) but would really enjoy popping along to this museum. I love history surrounding places like this. You find a lot of history in Cornwall (where i live) similar to this but mining instead of slate. xx

    Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday

  9. Lisa (www.irishbabyfairy.com)

    This looks like a really lovely family day out, interesting and educational for both the adults and children. Thanks for sharing #KCACOLS

  10. Places like this fascinate me, living in Australia our history is so limited, thank you for sharing this #KCACOLS

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  13. Looks like a great day out. Wish I was closer, life places like that!! #kcacols

  14. I absolutely love quirky and honest museums like these ones. They bring a sense of history and culture vack to our lives. Thanks for sharing #KCACOLS

  15. Looks like a great day out! Fab for the children to be able to learn and play. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday. Mainy

  16. I’ve been there!! I like the houses. It’s impressive they were taken down brick by brick and assembled again at the museum, I didn’t noticed them or maybe they were outside what was opened to the public when I’ve been there.

  17. I love taking mine to museums (especially when they’re free!). Such a fun hands on way to learn.

  18. I’ve never been here but if I’m ever around then I’ll definitely pop in. I love museums and can’t wait to take my boys when they’re old enough. It’s not like a typical museum and it looks fab! x

  19. So at first I was all, “wow, how on earth would they be able to make a museum about slate?” and then when I saw all these cool pictures detailing the place, I totally understood and it looks like such a neat place! And I love that you recognized those houses! #FridayFrivolity

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  21. Pingback: Rollerblading - Amgueddfa Lechi - Becster.com

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