
Zero Waste Week – Part 4 + 5

Six different images of recycling

This is my last post for Zero Waste Week and today I’m discussing challenges 4 + 5 a set by Katie of Living Life Our Way.

Zero Waste Week – Challenge 4 – Refuse and Reuse

The words reduce reuse and recycle made from blockwood

As mentioned, it’s the silly cellophane wrapping that annoys me most as I can’t reuse nor recycle it. So I LOVE the idea of refusing it! My aim is to collect all the cellophane and send it back to the supplier. I’m undecided if I’m going to take it back to the supermarket or to the manufacturer. Taking it back to the supermarket would be easier but it’s not their fault though is it?

Also like the idea of reusing. I reuse a lot of things already such as cereal boxes. Before I put them in the recylcing the girls will have used them for drawing or painting. I can confirm that those HUGE Amazon boxes make excellent pirate boats.

Zero Waste Week – Challenge 5 – Spread The Word

Beach scene with "keep our beach clean" painted to side of boxes

Everyone needs to get into this as ultimately we only have one Earth and we must look after it. I’ve seen Mar (of To and Fro Blog) quote this one a fair few times and I must admit, it is seemingly apt in this situation.

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children

It’s beautiful and so true! This planet is all we have and our children and grandchildren will be here for a long time after us, so we have to look after it.

Here are just some amazing projects that are happening to try and combat the global problem of plastic waste.

Plastic Patrol

If you want a story for inspiration then check out Lizzie Carr! She was mentioned in Russell Howard’s show recently and I was so impressed! Lizzie founded the Plastic Patrol campaign after discovering that 80% of marine debris starts out inland. So by cleaning up our rivers and canals, she’s reducing the plastic which hits the sea. Amazing woman!

Beach Cleanups

If you live along the coast you can get involved in a number of beach cleanups. They’re happening all over the UK coastline and the next Great British Beach Clean Up is happening next weekend (14-17th September). Take a look at the website to see if there’s an event near you.

I’m hoping you guys have enjoyed my posts for Zero Waste Week. It’s certainly been a thoughtful experience as it’s made me take stock of the amount of waste we put in the various bins. I’m doing my bit by making small changes but I feel that isn’t enough.

Are you involved with any planet saving projects?

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