Zipworld Titan - 6 images from out adventure
Eryri (Snowdonia) Gogledd Cymru Llechi Cymru

Zipworld Titan

Zipworld Titan - 6 images from out adventure

For my delayed birthday celebrations we took a trip to Blaenau Ffestiniog to take advantage of ZipWorld’s Monday 2-4-1 offer. The evening before, I had posted a poll up on the Facebook page because I just couldn’t decide on whether to go for Titan or Fforest Coaster – . The poll ended with 92% of the votes saying for us to go for Fforest Coaster.

I phoned my Nain in Blaenau Ffestiniog to ask what the weather was like and after she confirmed it was nice there I phoned up Zipworld to book our adventure. The girl on the helpline was ever so helpful and within a few minutes we were booked onto Titan.

Zipworld Titan

The view from Zipworld's Bravo line - looking towards the Moelwyns. Beautiful blue sky in the background, Moelwyn mountain mid screen, and the slate quarry of Llechwedd in the foreground. On the right is the zipwire line

Zipworld Titan is the largest zipzone in Europe. On the full run of Titan, you zipdown three lines – Alpha, Bravo and Charlie. However, during Winter runs Alpha isn’t open but that doesn’t take away from the experience at all. After arriving at Llechwedd Slate Caverns (home to Zipworld Caverns) we were weighed and were sent down to be kitted out in the finest red boilersuits you ever did see!

Due to the snow that Blaenau had the previous week, our group was taking up the mountain on the Slate Mountain’s Quarry Explorer truck instead of the usual minibus. It was a bumpy ride but it was worth it for the view at the top. Even though it wasn’t the very top, it was still a sight to be seen! Of course, I am biased but it is the most magnificent view – especially in the weather we had! Sure it was cold but boy it was beautiful!

Titan Bravo

A photo of me (on the right) on Zipworld Titan's Bravo line. In the background is my husband and his parachute and behind him is the mountain and blue sky.

There are four wires on each line meaning that our group of 12 had to be split into 3 mini groups of 4. The husband and I volunteered to go first. The husband was a little apprehensive as he’s scared of heights, and I must admit, after being strapped in at the top, so was I! But as soon as you’re off, the fear disappears and the adrenaline takes over!

You reach speeds of over 40mph on the way down and the crosswinds made for an interesting time! Don’t worry if you spin in the wind as you’re perfectly safe. Just enjoy the view and brace yourself for the landing!

Titan Charlie

A photo of me on Titan's Charlie line. In the background is the building of the old Llechwedd slate quarry

After landing at the bottom of Bravo, you then have a short walk back up to the final line named Charlie. That little walk isn’t too bad but if you have asthma like me, it will take it out of you. Not sure what it is about that hill as it got me during the Wales Rally GB as well. Anyhow, after reaching the top we were strapped onto Charlie and after a brief wait (thank you Slate Mountain lorry!) we were zipping over Llechwedd Slate Caverns! Absolutely stunning!

2-4-1 Offer

My husband on Zipworld Titan - wearing his fancy red boiler suit!

As I mentioned, we took advantage of Zipworld’s 2-4-1 Mondays offer which meant both my husband and I got to do Titan for £33.50! BARGAIN! The 2-4-1 offer is available until 25th March (excluding Monday the 18th and 25th February) so don’t miss out! The offer is available for all adventures at Zip World Caverns and Zipworld Fforest so plenty to choose from!

Which Zipworld adventure will you choose?

What better way to celebrate your birthday than zipping around Europ's largest zipzone? I'm so lucky to have Zipworld on my doorstep and all I can say is, Zipworld Titan is amazing!

One Comment

  1. I showed my husband your youtube video… in hindsight this might not have been the wisest thing I’ve done. Now he is saying he wants to go there… I’m too scared, but I would gladly take pictures from ground level though.

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