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#AD – Fuzzikins Crafts Dozy Dogs

Fuzzikins Dozy Dogs

My girls love crafting and generally making a mess! My husband doesn’t like it when they make a mess so what better time to get crafting than when he’s away. Whilst the cat’s away the mice will play!

Fuzzikins Crafts Dozy Dogs

Fuzzikins Crafts Dozy Dogs package

But there were no mice involved (nor cats for that matter), but no we had little dogs… Fuzzikins Crafts Dozy Dogs as it happens. The box includes:

  • 3 different sized fuzzy white dog figures
  • 3 different sized felt bed templates
  • 3 different coloured felt tip pens
  • stickers and felt facemasks
  • lollipop stick (to seal the felt beds)

Colourful Pups

Fuzzikins Crafts Dozy Dogs contents

The idea is that you colour in your dogs using the felt tip pens. You can make them any colour you want! I started off trying to make a conservative black and tan pup – sort of like a Gemma. But I turned my back and all of a sudden “Gemma” had pink eyes! Ah well, this is what crafting with a kid. Better pink on the pup than on the sofa!

Felt Dog Beds

Fuzzikins Crafts Dozy Dogs completed set of coloured pups and felt beds

Whilst the girls went about colouring the pups (and their hands) I started on making the felt dog beds. The felt beds were already shaped as beds so the only thing that you had to do was fold them over and seal. It was a bit too fiddly for my girls to do it although Little Miss tried her best. After the felt beds were put together, the girls went crazy with the stickers!

Good Messy Fun

It was all good fun! But it was rather messy as my kids cannot be trusted with felt tip pens! Thankfully the felt tip pens are washable* so both dogs and girls were washed clean.The fun can start all over again!

* this is assuming that you have running water which we did not on the day we got crafting. Girls looked like Smurf rejects by the time they had finished!

If you want to get your hands on these craft kits they retail at approx £9.99 and you can find them at all good retailers (including John Lewis and Amazon)

How cute are these Fuzzikins Crafts Dozy Dogs?

(We were given the Fuzzikins Crafts Dozy Dogs for free but all thoughts and opinions are my own. The Amazon link above is an affiliate link)

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