
Here’s to a new era of F1!!

Be warned, if you’re not into the Formula 1 then you may want to skip this post!! I’ve been writing this post over both Saturday and Sunday so may be lengthy!

For most people it’s a new era of Formula 1 because of the regulation changes. The engines are now turbo V6 instead of regular V8 – the cars now less noisy which is a shame. The main reason it’s a new era for me is because my main man Mark Webber is no longer racing.


The new season of F1 kicked off with the practice sessions on Friday. I must admit that I’m not hardcore enough to watch the practice sessions so for me the action starts with qualifying on Saturday.

First destination this year is Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia. Because I’m in the UK there’s a significant the difference so quali show was starting at 5am. Even though Little Miss did wake at 4am we didn’t get up to watch if live which meant I had to avoid Facebook etc until after i had seen the show. When we did get up at 8am, disaster! – the show hadn’t recorded! Thank god we have Sky+!!

My man Webber (an Aussie) retired last year but his seat in the Red Bull was taken over by another Aussie by the name of Daniel Ricciardo. Before quali I’m undecided who I’ll support (other than Alonso of course). I like Massa. I have a soft spot for Massa because he had a bit of a raw deal at Ferrari always having to play second fiddle to Alonso – especially since Massa was there before him. Also he won the 2008 championship for 5 seconds and then Hamilton gained one position on the last corner and snatched the championship away from him. There’s a photo of him crying when he finds out. It wrenches at your heart!


Anyway I digress. We watched quali after getting up and if you know me at all you will know that I can’t stand Vettel (because of the “Multi-21” incident in Malasyia last year). So when he failed to make it into q3 I got rather excited! Even more so was the fact that his team mate – Ricciardo – qualified in 2nd place! So I believe that I may be supporting Danny Ricciardo this year! He may not be Mark Webber but he’s still an Aussie!

So quali results were Hamilton on pole, Ricciardo in 2nd and Rosberg in 3rd. Alonso qualified in 5th and like I said Vettel in 13th! It wash a setup for a very interesting race!


The race show was starting at 5am and Little Miss was up for a feed at 4.30am. The hubby wanted to get up and watch the race live but I didn’t want to disrupt Little Miss’s routine. So I stayed in bed and he went to watch it. Little Miss and I slept until 7am and hubby came up to help me get her ready for the day. He came into the bedroom saying “keep smile off face” which meant I knew something interesting had happened in the race! Before even getting downstairs I’d found out that Vettel had a DNF!

We sat down to watch the race and it was a good one! My favourite moment of course was Vettel’s DNF! Someone said to me once that I had a nasty streak in taking pleasure from other people’s misfortune but it’s only when it comes to Vettel! I even took a photo showing it just for record!

Poor Massa was taken out at the very first corner on the start. Kobyashi missed his braking point and ran into the back of him. I was so disappointed because I would have loved to see where he would have ended up in the Williams. Especially since Bottas in the second Williams managed to finish 6th. He might have ended up higher up if he hadn’t smashed his wheel into the wall and had to pit!

Williams are looking good this year! And I am so glad that things are looking good for them because last year was an awful season for them! Williams team has been around for donkey’s years and in its time was a championship winning team. I would love to see them getting back into the top teams. I think a part of the appeal of Williams is that there’s a lot of respect for Sir Frank Williams. It’s a family team with his daughter Claire one being the team principal.

Even better though was the fact that Ricciardo finished in 2nd place! The first Australian to be on the podium at the Australian Grand Prix. So I think I’m decided on supporting him for the rest of the season! Also it means I can still wear my Red Bull gear!


Sorry for the lengthy post but you were warned!! 😉

{edit}Just after I posted this I googled Ricciardo and found he had been disqualified!!{\edit}

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