I’ve been quiet on the blog recently… mainly because all the posts I’ve been preparing lately were about fabulous places to visit in Snowdonia, North Wales. Somehow it doesn’t seem appropriate for me to share all these places given that we are in a lockdown situation. As we head into mid-May and week 8 of lockdown here are just some snippets of our time during the lockdown so far.
Self Isolation v Social Distancing
As both husband and I are asthmatics we were deemed to be in the at risk category. Whilst we’re usually not too bad with our asthma, hearing how this Covid-19 is fatal to those with respiratory problems, quite frankly we weren’t going to chance it. So on March 22nd we went into self isolation. The only contact we have with the “outside world” is the delivery drivers dropping off supplies and our next door neighbour who picks up the dogs to take them for a walk.
The generosity of people has come to the forefront though. From the videos on Facebook of people singing to each other in the street to local people looking out for the vulnerable in the community. Personal experiences have been my next door neighbour bringing me chocolate (because I mentioned on Facebook that I was desperate for snacks that I’d resorted to eating an apple!!) and the local councillors delivering Easter Eggs to every household with children in the area. Absolutely amazing community spirit!
After a few shaky days at the beginning – owing to the fact that we’re both accountants and therefore have the same demands, we have finally found a routine. He’s up at 5.30 each morning to start work for 6am. I juggle work in the morning with getting kids through school work, and I get to do a bulk of work after lunch whilst he does some maths with the kiddos. We try to keep one day of a weekend free of work but currently, we work when we can.
I have a new found respect for all teachers out there! Wow it’s been a struggle to do homeschooling with them. Although to be fair, this isn’t really homeschooling… it’s trying to teach them something whilst being confined at home. We’ve had our ups and downs. The school is setting work for us to do with them. I try to do some of it with them in the morning whilst my husband works. He then does some more with them after lunch whilst I work. Despite the fact that I’m an accountant, I cannot do the maths work with them – I lack the patience. So I do language or creative stuff with them in the morning (mainly because my husband lacks the Welsh language skills) and he does the maths with them because he has the patience of a saint when it comes to sums!
Missing Out Until Next Year (hopefully!)
May was going to be the best month… Machynlleth Comedy Festival weekend with friends and trip of a lifetime to Florida CANCELLED. Don’t get me wrong, it is completely understandable that everything is cancelled but I can’t help but feel disappointed. It doesn’t help that my phone keeps reminding me of everything I’m missing out on. But there are silver linings in that our Florida trip has been rescheduled to next year which actually works out better for us really.
But I’m really missing being able to go on days out! I’m already planning some fab days out post lockdown which included investing in Ffestiniog Railway’s* “Y Cerdyn” and Zip World* 2-4-1 vouchers. I’ll be posting soon about the days out I’m most looking forward to because quite frankly, I need something to look forward to!
(* I’ve worked with these two businesses in the last 12 months)