
10 End of Pregnancy Thoughts

I’m now 34 weeks pregnant and therefore nearing the end. I’ve said I’m only have two kiddiwinks so this is me coming to the end of the whole pregnancy stage forever! With that in mind I’ve been looking back and thinking about things. Here’s ten thoughts about my pregnancy journey. […]



Ok so this post may not make me a popular person – especially in the cycling community but I must vent! Here’s a thank you to the Welsh Government for wasting money on cycle paths. Why spend so much creating them when damn cyclists don’t use them!!?!! 



So on Sunday (Day 3) hubby was still at the tournament so I decided to drive up to Keswick to visit the Pencil Museum! Sounds odd I know but it tunred out to be a pretty good day all in all. It was about an hour’s drive up to Keswick […]


Pregnancy Update

I’m not sure when I last posted a pregnancy update but here’s the latest. I’m now 32 weeks and I feel huge! I’m suffering from a bit of backache and heartburn. Also suffering from thrush which is the worst! Due to feeling huge and having back problems I can’t put […]


The British Tag

(I should note that the British flag is the Union Jack but since the Welsh flag is so much nicer I combined the two for the above image!) I was reading John’s blog recently and he did this British Tag post which I just loved and had to take part […]


A Year of Instagram

I’m not a regular poster on Instagram – I go through phases where I have a lot of inspiration and then other times have no inspiration whatsoever! But May 3rd saw me celebrating a year of Instagram! So with that in mind here is my favourite photo from each month […]