
F1 Wednesday – Belgium 2011

Seeing how the season restarts this weekend (WOOHOO!) and that it’s the Belgian Grand Prix it seems only fitting I should write about our little trip to Belgium in 2011. This was my first ever F1 holiday! Both myself and a colleague at work saw that a local bus company […]


F1 Wednesday – Silverstone 2012

Ok so the next race coming up is the British Grand Prix which is held at Silverstone Circuit. I really really wanna go this year but looks like that’s impossible since our babysitters have bailed on us now! šŸ™ So I’m going to just have to relive my only experience […]

Gemma with strewn paper everywhere

Dog Tales – Gemma

Soon after husband and I moved in together we decided to expand our family by getting a dog. After numerous discussions we couldn’t agree on what breed to get so we decided to get two dogs. This is the story of our first dog – Gemma. Beagle from a Breeder […]


F1 Wednesdays – Mark Webber

Mark Webber This is my first post in my “F1 Wednesdays” series. And what better topic to start the series than my favourite driver of all time – Mark Webber! I love him! šŸ˜€ The first season of F1 that I really watched was 2009 and the title decider came […]