Anglesey North Wales

Sioe Môn (Part 2)

Sioe Môn

As mentioned in my previous post, I attended Sioe Môn this year. There was so much to see and do that I couldn’t fit it all in to one post. So here’s part 2 of my Sioe Môn experience….


Sioe Môn

There were so many animals there – it’s an agricultural show so what do you expect? I went around to see the cattle and sheep pens. I also saw some of the shearing competition. It’s amazing how quick these guys can shear a sheep!

Sioe Môn

Racing Camels

Sioe Môn

Also in attendance was the Joseph and the Amazing Racing Camels! It was such fun to watch them race. But this white camel pictured above, decided he was not going to race the final race. He had a strop and sat down and refused to move! Ah camels! Reminded me of our Brian!


Sioe Môn

There was also plenty of competitions going on in the produce and craft tents. Lots of pretty flowers, impressive vegetables, amazing cakes and cute crafts on display.

Marge & Mabel Dog Treats

Marge & Mabel

I mentioned in the previous post that there was a lot of shopping to be done at Sioe Môn. One of the best stands that I stumbled over was this one – Marge & Mabel’s Homemade Dog Treats. I got chatting to the owners and they explained that all the treats are 100% human grade ingredients – no additives etc. I bought the pups a doughnut each and the owners kindly gave me a beef cake and pork pie slice for free! Pups LOVED the treats!

Welsh Slate Products 

Jon March & Gilly Mixtures

Now of you know I love my Welsh slate! Well I stumbled over Jon March Photography in one of the shopping tents. He was selling local scene photos printed on Ffestiniog Slate. Above left, is a photo of one of the printed products – I adore this photo. It’s a photo of Llyn Cwn on the way up to Cwmorthin in Blaenau Ffestiniog. I almost bought this but after talking to Jon, I thought I’d leave it and have a browse of his website in case there’s more Ffestiniog photos. There’s LOTS – can’t make up my mind which one(s) I want! His partner was also there and she did some crafts using slate including the cute little disks shown above. I’m going to visit their shop in Caernarfon soon me thinks.

There was so much to see at Sioe Môn that I know I’ve missed bits out. I didn’t even see the fairground! If you want to see more then I prepared a little video….

Have you ever seen racing camels before?


One Comment

  1. Camel racing, that is something I want to see. (I followed them on twitter, maybe I’ll see where they are next 🙂 ). It looks like you had a fab time.

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