Whilst the car was in at the dealer in Chester, I took the courtesy car for a trip to the Anderton Boat Lift.
The Anderton Boat Lift is one of only two working boat lifts in the UK.
Designed by Edwin Clark in 1875 to transfer boats and barges between the River Weaver and the Trent and Mersey Canal across a height of 50 feet. It was in operation for over 100 years until it closed in 1983 due to corrosion. However, it opened to the public again in 2002 after a huge renovation project began in 2001.
#CanalRiverTrust #AndertonBoatLift #WaterwaysUK #IndustrialHeritage #TrentMerseyCanal #VisitEngland
🏴 Fidio newydd i fyny ar YouTube o ein trip i Gala Stêm Rheilffordd Cwm Rheidol. Ychydig dros 20 munud o drênau stêm!
🇬🇧 new video over on YouTube from our trip to the Vale of Rheidol Railway’s Steam Gala. Just over 20 minutes of steam trains!
#ValeOfRheidolRailway #Aberystwyth #GreatLittleTrainsOfWales #WalesOnRails #SteamTrains #HeritageRailways #MidWales #VisitWales #SteamTrainLife
🏴 FIDIO NEWYDD!! Ar ail diwrnod ein trip i Ynys Mannaw ddaru ni fynd i Rheilffordd Groudle Glen. Cafodd ei adeiladu yn wreiddiol yn 1896 i gario ymwelwyr o Groudle Glen draw i Sea Lion Rocks lle oedd y Fictorians wedi adeiladu sŵ.
🇬🇧 NEW VIDEO!! On the second day of my Isle of Man trip I visited Groudle Glen Railway. It was originally built in 1896 to carry passengers from Groudle Glen over to Sea Lion Rocks where the Victorians had built a zoo.
#GroudleGlenRailway #IsleofMan #VisitIsleOfMan #IOMTransport #ManxRailways
(Bilingual post - scroll down for English)
🏴 Dyma Alec (y ceffyl) gyda’i triniwr. Fo ddaru gario ni ar hyd y prom yn Douglas. Wrth fynd oeddwn yn gallu ogleuo mint a methu deall lle oedd o’n dod o. Ar ôl siarad hefo’r triniwr ffeindion ni bod Alec wrth ei fodd hefo unrhyw beth mint a mai Mint Imperials oedd ei ffefryn! Dwn im pam ond ddaru hynna’n ticlo fi! 🤷♀️😂🐴🚋
🇬🇧This is Alec (the horse) with his handler. He was our steed along the prom in Douglas. As we travelled along I could smell mint and couldn’t understand where it was coming from. After talking to the handler we found that Alec loved anything mint and that Mint Imperials were his favourite! I don’t know why but that tickled me! 🤷♀️😂🐴🚋
#DouglasBayHorseTramway #IsleOfManRailways #Douglas #VisitDouglas #VisitIsleOfMan #IsleOfMan #IOMtransport #VisitIOM #manxofinstagram
No 6 Drakensberg NGGI3 Garratt, built 1927 for South African Railways. Seen here approaching Capel Bangor during the Vale of Rheidol’s Steam Gala.
I was down to film some clips of Palmerston for the FWHR’s Moving Pictures however I took the opportunity to film some of the VoR’s engines whilst I was there - would be rude not to!
It was a great day and a wonderful gala. Lots of opportunities to see trains and everyone was so friendly. Would highly recommend a visit - and definitely pop into the museum as there are some great sights to see.
#ValeOfRheidolRailway #NarrowGaugeRailways #SteamTrainLife #HeritageRailways #HeritageRailwayPeople #Aberystwyth #NGG13 #Drakensberg #WalesOnRails #GreatLittleTrainsOfWales
🏴 Oedd cael gweld hwn yn olygfa braf ar ôl y daith drosodd i Ynys Manaw. Dwi ddim yn un sydd fel arfer yn teimlo’n sal ond ar ôl bod allan yn y môr am awr ychwanegol oeddwn i’n teimlo’n reit “queasy”!
Fidio cyntaf o’r trip i Ynys Manaw rwan i fyny ar YouTube - i gyd am y daith drosodd o Lerpwl i Douglas.
🇬🇧 This was a welcome sight after the journey over to the Isle of Man. I’m not one to suffer with travel sickness normally but after being unable to dock and spending an extra hour in rough sea even I was feeling queasy!
My first Isle of Man video is up on YouTube - all about the crossing over from Liverpool to Douglas.
#IsleOfMan #Douglas #Liverpool #VisitIoM #IoMSteamPacket #UKHolidays #BeautifulIslands
🇬🇧 As the sun sets on my Isle of Man trip here’s a photo of Douglas South Quay Harbour. Having spent around 5 days on the island I can guarantee that I’ll be coming back. I’ve seen loads but there’s still so much more to see. It’s a wonderful place.
🏴 Wrth i’r haul fachlud ar fy nhaith i Ynys Manaw dyma lun o Harbwr De Douglas. Ar ôl treulio tua 5 diwrnod ar yr ynys gallaf warantu y byddaf yn dod yn ôl. Rwyf wedi gweld llwythi ond mae cymaint mwy i’w weld o hyd. Mae’n le bendigedig.
#IsleOfMan #YnysManaw #EllanVannin #DouglasPort #Douglas #VisitIOM #SummerHolidays #SunsetPictures
🏴 Nos Wener es i am dro i Glan Gwna i fynd i fysnesu ar yr hen lein o Lanberis i Gaernarfon. Ambell i beth yno - 3 pont dal yno. Hefyd gallu cerdded o’r trydydd bont hyd pedwerydd bint dros yr Afon Seiont.
🇬🇧 On Friday evening I went for a walk at Glan Gwna to have a nosey at the old Llanberis to Caernarfon line. It runs straight through the site. Still a few bits left in situ - 3 bridges. Also you could walk from the 3rd bridge to the 4th bridge over the River Seiont.
#LlanberisCaernarfonRailway #LostRailways #GlanGwna #Eryri #Snowdonia #Caernarfon
🏴 Ardal yr hen gwrt yng Nghaernarfon. Mae’r hen gwrt bellach yn le bwyta ac adloniant ond hefyd tu ôl iddo mae’r hen garchar. Hawdd i fethu yr hen garchar - pawb yn cael eu denu gan y castell.
🇬🇧 The old courthouse area in Caernarfon. The old courthouse is now a restaurant and entertainment venue and behind it is the old jail. Easy to miss the old jail - everyone’s attention is drawn the castle opposite.
#Caernarfonn #OldTownsUK #Eryri #Snowdonia #HanesCymru #WelshHistory #Cymru #Wales
🏴 Pan mae’r haul yn twynnu yma yng Ngymru, does dim angen bod yn nunlla arall. Noson anhygoel braf… braf cael jest arnofio yn y môr. Pethau syml yn llenwi calon rhywun.
🇬🇧 When the sun is shining here in Wales, there’s no need to be anywhere else. An amazingly beautiful night… nice to just float in the sea. Simple things fill one’s heart.
#DinasDinlle #LanYMor #Cymru #Wales #Eryri #Snowdonia #DarganfodCymru #DiscoverWales #BeautifulPlaces #SummerBucketList #SummerVibes
🏴 Os weloch chi fy Instastories dros y dyddiau dwythaf mi weloch mod i wedi bod i lan y môr Dinas Dinlle. Mor falch bod nes i fynd gan bod tywydd wedi troi yn barod 🙄
🇬🇧 If you saw my Instastories for the last two days you’ll have seen that I’ve been to the beach at Dinas Dinlle. So glad I’ve been seeing as the weather has turned already 🙄
#DinasDinlle #LanYMor #Seaside #Beach #Eryri #Snowdonia #northWalesCoast
🏴 Peidiwch a cael eich twyllo gan y gwynab del y ci bach yma… mae hi’n boen yn dìn!! Fuon ni a hi i lan y môr neithiwr a ddaru wneud dim ond cyfarth ar y môr a trio bwyta y tonnau!
Er i fod yn deg iddi, trio gwarchod y plant rhag ddrwg dwi’n meddwl oedd hi. O’i safbwynt hi, mi oedd y tonnau yn fawr (iddi hi ond ddim ni!) a’r plant yn sgrechian (wrth eu bodd nid mewn ofn!) a felly oedd hi’n trio cael nhw allan o’r dŵr. Ar un pwynt ddaru hi rhoi neid i’r dŵr a nofio ar eu holau. Ci bach da ond dal yn poen yn dîn!!
🇬🇧Don’t be fooled by this pup’s cute little face… she’s a pain in the bum!! We went to the seaside last night and all she did was bark at the sea and try to eat the waves!
Although to be fair to her, I think she was trying to protect the children from harm. From her point of view, the waves were big (for her but not us!) and the children were screaming (in delight not in fear!) and so she tried to get them out of the water. At one point she jumped into the water and swam after them. Good pup but still a pain in the bum!!
#ArLanYMôr #Seaside #NorthWalesCoqst #DinasDinlle #TywyddBraf #BritishSummer #Eryri #Snowdonia #GwyliauHaf #NosonBraf
🏴 Wel am benwythnos gwych cafon ni! Trip draw i’r Amgueddfa Lechi prynhawn dydd Sadwrn ac yna ar y trên bach - Megs hefo ni! Noson ffilm yn yr ardd nos Sadwrn cyn manteisio ar y tywydd braf i fynd i nofio yn Dolrhedyn dydd Sul. I gloi y penwythnos aethon ni i gael bwyd yn Spooners. Dyddiau da!
(A mae’r digwyddiadau erchyll y dyddiau dwythaf wedi wneud i mi sylwi bod angen gwneud y mwyaf o’r dyddiau da ma)
🇬🇧 Well what a great weekend we had! A trip over to the Slate Museum on Saturday afternoon and then on the train - Megs came with us! Film night in the garden on Saturday night before taking advantage of the nice weather to go swimming in Dolrhedyn on Sunday. To finish the weekend we went for food at Spooners. Good days!
(And the horrible events of the last few days have made me notice that we need to make the most of these good days)
#AmgueddfaLlechiCymru #Dolrhedyn #BlaenauFfestiniog #LlechiCymru #UNESCOWorldHeritage #SlateMuseum #HoganStiniog
🏴 Fy hoff ddarn o’r Rheilffordd Ffestiniog. Rhwng Blaenau Ffestiniog a Tanygrisiau - mynd heibio cefnau y tai gan gynnwys fy nghartref gwreiddiol i. Wedyn ar draws bont Dolrhedyn a gweld y Moelwynion yn dod i’r golwg. Dim bud gwell na hyn yn enwedig ar ddiwrnod braf!
🇬🇧 My favorite aection of the Ffestiniog Railway. Between Blaenau Ffestiniog and Tanygrisiau - passing the backs of the houses including my childhood home. Then crossing Dolrhedyn bridge and see the Moelwyns coming into view. Nothing better than this especially on a nice day!
#HeritageRailways #HeritageRailwayPeople #FfestiniogRailway #LlechiCymru #Tanygrisiau #BlaenauFfestiniog #Eryri #Snowdonia
🏴 Y Disney Skyliner - agorwyd ym mis Medi 2019 ac yn mynd a chi i Disney Hollywood Studios, Epcot ac i 4 gwesty. Llawer iawn o hwyl yn trafeilio ar rhain ond oedd o braidd yn frawychus bod yn sownd arno yn y tywyllwch! Wedi rhannu y fidio yn gynharach ar YouTube os ydach chi eisiau gweld. Ond dyma rhai lluniau hefyd
1) Gorsaf y Skyliner yn Hollywood Studios
2) Silwét y Skyliner yn y tywyllwch gyda Hollywood Tower of Terror ym mhell yn y cefndir
3) Rhai o'r gondolas yn gadael Hollywood Studios
🇬🇧 The Disney Skyliner - opened in September 2019 and takes you to Disney Hollywood Studios, Epcot and to 4 resorts. A lot of fun traveling on these but it was a bit scary to be stuck on it in the dark! Shared the video earlier on YouTube if you want to see. But here are some pictures too
1) The Skyliner station at Hollywood Studios
2) Silhouette of the Skyliner in the dark with the Hollywood Tower of Terror in the distance
3) Some of the gondolas leaving Hollywood Studios
#WaltDisneyWorld #DisneySkyliner #Florida #DisneyTransportation #DisneySkylinerGondola #DisneyHollywoodStudios
🏴 Trip arall i’r Joys of Life Railway yn Methesda heddiw. Dipyn llai o fobol heddiw felly cafon ni fynd ar y trên fwy nac unwaith. Cacen, paned a hufen iâ hefo teulu a ffrindiau - pnawn bach da!
🇬🇧 Another trip on the Joys of Life Railway in Bethesda today. Less people there today so we got to ride the train more than once. Cake, tea and ice cream with family and friends - good little afternoon!
#JoysOfLifeRailway #Bethesda #BrynLlysRailway #5inchgauge #ModelRailwaysUK
🇬🇧 Getting ready for my Isle of Man trip - my Go Explore cards have arrived! Looking forward to getting the most out of these with trips on all the trains and visits to the heritage sites.
I aim to visit
- six railways
- two museums
- two castles
- one big massive waterwheel
Oh and take the kids to some fun stuff as well. It’s a lot to pack into a 5 day trip!
🏴 Paratoi ar gyfer fy nhaith i Ynys Manaw - mae fy nghardiau Go Explore wedi cyrraedd! Edrych ymlaen at gael gwneud y mwyaf o’r rhain gyda thripiau ar yr holl drenau ac ymweliadau â’r safleoedd treftadaeth.
Rwy’n anelu at ymweld
- chwe rheilffordd
- dwy amgueddfa
- dau gastell
- un olwyn ddŵr enfawr
O a mynd a’r plant i bethau hwyliog hefyd. Llawer o bethau i bacio i mewn i daith 5 diwrnod!
🇮🇲 Ta mee jannoo aarloo son my churrym er Ellan Vannin - ta my caartyn Go Explore er jeet! Ta shin jeeaghyn roish dy gheddyn y chooid smoo jeh ny reddyn shoh lesh trimshey er ooilley ny traenyn as cuirraghyn er ny laghyn-oighre.
Ta mee aggle dy gholl
- shey raaidyn-raad
- daa thie-tashtee
- daa chashtal
- un roid ushtey mooar
Oh as gow ny claneyn gys reddyn spyrrydoil myrgeddin. Ta’n chooid smoo dy phackaghey ayns trip 5 laa!
(The Manx is via Google translate so pleeeease correct me if anything is wrong here!)
#IsleOfMan #IoMTransport #GoExploreIoM #SummerHolidays #manxlanguage #Manx #YnysManaw
Welis i hanes cau glofa Mardy yn cael ei rannu ar Facebook heddiw - 38 mlynedd yn ôl. Mi rannon nhw lun o’r dram dwythaf o lo yn cael ei godi gyda’r dynion oedd ar shifft - dwi’n ffeindio bod o’n hynod drist.
Wedyn sylwis i mod i wedi gweld y dram yna pan es i lawr i’r Rhondda. Cofio meddwl adeg yna bod o’n drist hefyd.
Diwedd degawdau o ddwydiant.
I saw the story of the closing of the Mardy colliery being shared on Facebook today - 38 years ago. They shared a picture of the last dram of coal being lifted with the men on shift - I find it extremely sad.
Then I remembered that I had seen that tram when I went down to the Rhondda. Remember thinking at that time that it was sad.
The end of decades of industry.
#WelshCoal #SouthWalesCoalfield #SouthWalesValleys #Rhondda #RhonddaHeritageCentre #MardyColliery #EndOfIndustry #Cymru #Wales
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