I must apologise for the lack of blog posts this past month or so but I’ve come to realise I have too many hobbies! Let me go through them all…
Clearly this is the one that’s been neglected most of late. The fact that I haven’t posted a blog post for over a month is evidence enough. I have plenty of ideas but lack the time and oomph to write them. However, the next hobby is the main reason the blog posts have been lacking…
Cross Stitching
This is what’s been taking up most of my time recently. I’ve been working on a secret project which has taken up all of my time. I’m almost finished with it but I still can’t share yet. I will once it’s properly finished.
Doodling/Bullet Journal
I love doodling and I really like stationery so I keep buying pretty pens and paper. Trouble is, I’m not making the time to sit down with my Bullet Journal which means it’s really not effective. I’m hoping now that the cross-stitch project is finished, I can get back into doodling.
Making Videos
Whilst I may not have been blogging I have been creating a few videos over on Facebook and YouTube. Most recent videos include our trip to London and our journey on the Welsh Highland Railway(*). Upcoming videos will include a lot Christmas videos and maybe some more daily vlogging type videos.
(* for info, I was offered to travel on the WHR line in return for making this video)
EPIC FAIL on the rollerblading front. I have not managed to go rollerblading once a month this year. I did so well at the beginning of the year but not since. The Summer was a bit of a grey one and I didn’t find the time nor energy to go. Of course now it’s Winter and it’s cold and damp, I’ve found the urge. But it’s difficult to go when it’s damp because it’s too slippery.
I feel like I ought to cut back but then, which one would I cut out? I really don’t want to cut back on any at all so I must find time to do a little bit of everything. Not only do I already have too many hobbies but I also want to find time for other things. I want to go walking in the beautiful Snowdonia countryside (again something I’m failing to do!). I want to start doing patchwork quilting again as I want to create a blanket for each of my girls from their old clothes. I want to learn how to climb and take the girls to Beacon Climbing Centre. I WANT TO DO EVERYTHING!!