Treasure Trails Porthmadog Slate Railway
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#Ad – Porthmadog Slate Railway Walk with Treasure Trails

Treasure Trails Porthmadog Slate Railway

(I was given free access to one of the trails by Treasure Trails in return for this post)

In the Summer was contacted by Treasure Trails to review one of their walks. After browsing their website for local walks I came across the Porthmadog Slate Railways Trail – how perfect is this for me?! There are so many to choose from on their website. As I said this is the one I really wanted to do but there are some other local ones which I might give a go soon. With over a 1000 trails you’re sure to find something in your local area. 

Treasure Trails – Choose Your Format

Once you choose your trail, you can download a pdf version, have a printed version sent in the post or even have one personalised with your own photos. We chose the pre-printed booklet which came in the post and had all the clues contained within. In hindsight, maybe the pdf version would’ve been better for us but that’s only because of the weather!

Porthmadog Slate Railway Trail

On the left - the girls looking at the Yacht Club sign / on the right - husband reading the Treasure Trails clues at the harbour

I might not have chosen the best day weather wise to do our trail but we had fun nonetheless. We parked up at the main carpark in Porthmadog and made our way towards the start of our Treasure Trail at the park. Typical, the park was still closed due to Covid restrictions but thankfully all was needed was to read the plaques on the fountain – which we could manage without going in to the park.

Following the Clues To Find Jack’s Lost Bell

Porthmadog Harbour including Harbour Station

Following the clues we continued on our search to find Jack’s lost bell. From the park we ended up heading up Garth Road in search of more answers. Despite the fact that I’ve spent numerous days in Porthmadog over the years, I can’t say that I recognise that area at all. Which again proves that Treasure Trails are a fantastic way to explore your own area. 

Porthmadog Harbour and Station

Husband and the littles looking at the map outside Ffestiniog Railway's Harbour Station

From Garth Road you are able to see over Porthmadog Harbour which also includes my beloved Ffestiniog Railway. The next clue took us back down towards the harbour and over to Harbour Station. Again Covid-19 restrictions meant I wasn’t able to access the station itself however it wasn’t a problem as I was still able to guess the correct answer to the clue. Unfortunately this meant I didn’t get to see any trains despite the fact that that day was the first running of the post-Covid trains. 

Cob Crwn and the Back of Porthmadog

Cob Crwn Porthmadog with the lake in foreground and grey sky in the background

Continuing on the trail we headed for Cob Crwn which again, somewhere I had never been before. I obviously knew about the little walk but had never walked it! It’s a lovely walk and has some truly amazing views. By this point, the weather had cleared up a little bit so we managed to see across the estuary. 

At the end of Cob Crwn we went towards the Old Mill where another clue was waiting. Here required some mathematical skills which being two accountants you would think should be easy. Turns out, I can’t count! Thankfully my husband can so we headed on our merry way. The following clue also required number skills and thanks to his quick maths we ticked that one off as well.

Final Clues and a Disaster!

On the left - the husband pretending to take a swig from the gates of Purple Moose Brewery / On the right me in foreground and the littles in background on the steps of Bryn Coffa

At this point I believe we had approximately three clues remaining. I knew where the next clue was so we gave the High Street a miss (only because there were too many people not adhering to social distancing for our liking). Once this clue was found headed on over to the Welsh Highland Heritage Railway and to Bryn Coffa where we should have found our final clue.

Alas disaster!! Covid-19 restrictions kicked in and Bryn Coffa was closed. However it wasn’t a problem as Treasure Trails have a handy text service which you can use if you get stuck on any clues. It’s so easy to use and meant we were able to finish the Trail! Once you have completed your trail and have found the answer, you can submit it to Treasure Trails and be entered into a monthly draw to win £100! Always worth a try!

So all in all, despite the rain we had a really nice day thanks to Treasure Trails and finally Jack can have his bell back!

Have you ever done a Treasure Trail? Where did you go?

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