
Coffee Date Friday (on a Monday)

I’m a little late with the linkup but as ever I’m linking up with the lovely Jenna over at Gold & Bloom. It’s a monthly linkup where bloggers post about how life is treating you. If you want to join in then head on over to Jenna’s blog.

Pregnancy Update


On Tuesday I posted my latest update. Well since then I’ve been called in to the hospital as my iron levels are low. So I’m now on some liquid solution and trying to eat iron rich foods. I’ve even bought some lambs liver but the thought of having to cook it makes me gag!!



Excitment of the day today is that the pram is being delivered! We’ve invested in an iCandy Peach which can be a stroller for Little Miss and there’s room for Baby 2 there as well.



(source 1 /2 )

We’ve been to the garden centre to have a look at some flowers to plant in the garden. I bought some calla lillies which are for outdoors but I’ve yet to plant them. The lillies are purple and I’m looking to plant some white daisies or something around them. I’ve been pinning a lot of stuff recently and I particularly like delphiniums and foxgloves.

Clean Dogs


We took the dogs to the groomers on Saturday for the first time in a year! We took them to the local Pets at Home Groom Room. It cost us £32 to have Gemma done and £20 to have Megs done. It took 3 hours for both to be done but they came back smelling a lot nicer! And they even came back with these funky bandanas!!

What were you up to this week?


  1. Eeks! I’m sorry you had to go to the hospital. I definitely wouldn’t even know where to begin cooking lambs liver! 🙁 I hope you feel better!

  2. Thanks very much! I’m feeling a bit more myself today so I guess the medicine is working. But I’m giving the liver a miss I think!

  3. Ooh new pram, how exciting 😉 There’s so much more choice now than there was when my two were babies!

    Stevie xx

  4. We opted for the iCandy this time and we really should’ve invested in one the first time around! :/

  5. Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix Fridays lovely, hope you’re feeling a bit better and your irons up!

    Stevie xx

  6. Yikes! i suffer from low iron levels but couldn’t fathom eating liver! hope you feel better soon without the need! lol x

  7. MummyandMonkeys

    Jealous of your pram! I had low iron levels too, hope you aren’t feeling too bad! Thanks for linking up to #PickNMix @ http://www.mummyandmonkeys.com

  8. We should’ve bought this pram first time around really! I’m feeling much better this week after being on the iron medicine.

  9. Pingback: Hidden Garden Dangers for Cats & Dogs | Becster.com

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