
Currently – May

Taking part in another month of “Currently” Link Up with Jenna at Gold and Bloom and Anne at Anne In Residence. Designing: not much to be honest although I’m thinking of a redesign for my blog header. Enjoying: well I’ve been off work for the past 3 days due to a sickness bug […]



On Saturday hubby was at a Warhammer tournament in Windermere so we dropped him off and carried on down to Bowness-On-Windermere. We were there a tad too early though! I was parking by the lake at 9am and then realised that nothing opens before 10am! So if ever you visit […]



Recently we had a long weekend in the Lake District. On Friday we decided to go to Ambleside and visited Hayes Garden Centre. It’s a lovely little place. And since we are still planning on getting our garden done it was the perfect place for some inspiration. Just before going […]


Lake District

We’ve just come back from a weekend away to the Lake District. I’m just in the middle of typing up some posts about our stay but in the meantime here’s a couple of my random photos of the weekend. How was your weekend?


Welsh Mountain Zoo

(This post is quite image heavy and please click on the photos for a larger image) A couple of weeks ago we took Little Miss to visit the Welsh Mountain Zoo at Colwyn Bay. I hadn’t been since I was in secondary school so partly the visit was for me! […]


Reverse Bucket List

Since I’m currently suffering from a bit of writer’s block I thought I would participate  in Kiki’s The Circle link up – a reverse bucket list. As you know, a Bucket List is things you want to do before you die. Well the Reverse Bucket List is things you’ve already done! So […]