
Reverse Bucket List


Since I’m currently suffering from a bit of writer’s block I thought I would participate  in Kiki’s The Circle link up – a reverse bucket list. As you know, a Bucket List is things you want to do before you die. Well the Reverse Bucket List is things you’ve already done! So here’s some of my weird and wonderful achievements to date (in no specific order!),

1) Met the man of my dreams and got married.

2) Have a beautiful baby girl who is growing up too fast!

3) Landed a pretty perfect job.

4) Got my qualifications through work (a CTA and an ACA)

5) Met Mark Webber (twice!)

6) Got to see Mark Webber win at Silverstone – 2012 I was there baby!!

7) Been to 3 Grand Prix races (Belgium 2011 / Silverstone 2012 / Canada 2013)

8) Been ski-ing a couple of times – I really want to go again!!

9) Own two dogs – Megs and Gemma

10) Finally bought Taid’s house

So that’s it… nothing too quirky there really!

How about you? What do you consider to be some of your greatest achievements to date?

(If you want to participate then click the linky button up above)



  1. I use to live in Alaska for 11 years and never once went skiing. I don’t know what it is about it but it scares me so bad! Now that I’m older and live in Florida I wish I had done it while I lived somewhere it snows. Maybe I’ll go to the mountains and try it out, who knows. 🙂

  2. I did something similar a few years ago – things I HAVE achieved before 30. It included getting my degrees (BA and MA), living in 4 different countries (because I count England and Norther Ireland as separate countries!) and trying loads of different foods like frog’s legs and haggis.

  3. so many accomplishments, i’m putting my list up next Tuesday!

  4. What a cool list! Congrats on your many accomplishments–especially your baby girl, house, and job, too! 🙂

    Thanks for linking up!

  5. Aww, I did this not long ago too and it was fun to focus on the things that I have already done, rather than things I WANT to do! I think it was an important task!

  6. It was great to do this because it focuses you to look at the good things you’ve done so far.

  7. Thanks! I think my baby girl is my best achievement however she wouldn’t have been possible without my hubby and work!

  8. Can’t wait to read it! I really need to catch up on your blog!!

  9. Yeah I would count England and Northern Ireland as separate countries as well. Ooo frogs legs and haggis – you’re braver than me!

  10. It’s a fantastic thing to do! Definitely burns the calories! Your leg muscles sure get a workout that’s for sure! Alaska to Florida seems like a big change!!

  11. I made a pit stop in Virginia for two years so it wasn’t a complete shock. 🙂

  12. it’ll be tough.. since i’m posting daily this month haha.. but it’s up today! http://dianadegzz.blogspot.de/2015/04/r-is-for-reverse.html

  13. Wow! You’ve been to the Grand Prix! and in Belgium no less! So awesome!! Yay for having a job you love!!! Your little pups are so precious!! How special to own your grandfather’s house!

  14. @jollyhollybanolly:disqus, add your post to the link up! (if you haven’t already)

  15. Yeah I’ve been to the Belgian Grand Prix! Definitely one of those you have to experience in real life! 🙂

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