Linking up with Twinderlmo again for the monthly bucket list! So last month was the first time I participated so let’s have a look how I did:
- 1) Pack a hospital bag – DONE!
- 2) Sort through Little Miss’ clothes – DONE!
- 3) Meet up with a Facebook friend again – unfortunately she had to cancel!
- 4) Take doggies walkies – DONE! But clearly needs to be done again
- 5) Get some blog posts drafted and scheduled – DONE-ISH! I need to get some more done
- 6) Sort out the office room/spare room – DONE-ISH! Hubby’s friend was staying over the weekend so it had to be done.
- 7) Prepare our accounts and tax returns – erm yeah still not done!
- 8) Change my prescription – DONE!
So on to July! Here’s my list for this month….
- 1) Get this baby out – she’s due in a week and I can’t wait to get her out!
- 2) Phone Council re schools – I need to phone the council to see how we go about placing Little Miss in nursery school. Especially since the one we want her to go to is not our catchment school
- 3) Try to install the new car seat – the pram arrived yesterday as did the car seat so I need to practice getting that in the car. Difficult to do with a bump in the way I must admit.
To be honest, number 1 is my top priority so anything else is a bonus!
Have you got anything you want to do this month?
Bless you, I’d imagine you’re at the uncomfortable had enough of pregnancy stage now, and no doubt the heat wave didn’t help that! Crossed fingers she arrives on time!
Stevie x #MonthlyBucketList
Well she didn’t arrive on time since I’m now 2 days over! Heatwave hasn’t affected me that much to be honest. Luckily our house is quite cool.
I saw on Instagram that little miss is now here – congratulations!!! That’s the best tick of the month xxx