
Ginger Spice

I’m currently watching the British Grand Prix and I see Geri Halliwell Horner during Martin’s Grid Walk and it’s prompted this post… a bit random but there you go!

I’ve always been a bit ambivalent about Geri Halliwell if I’m honest. Back in the days of Spice Girls she was outspoken and rather out there and had a rather unique fashion sense. I mean there were some pretty outrageous outfits and some truly amazing ones as well… who remembers the Union Jack dress?

Yes. THAT one!

Then she decided to leave the Spice Girls and went off on her lonesome. I actually felt for her at the time because it seemed to be a bit of backstabbing and ill feeling going on at the time.

Putting aside the fact that her first single had a rather self absorbed title (“Look At Me”) I bought her Schizophonic album and to this day I still enjoy it. One of my favourite tracks is actually “Bag It Up” even if it has a bit of a crap video!

(Sorry but I think the Look At Me video is way better than the Bag It Up video!)

She went off my radar for a while (other than a god awful cameo in Sex And The City) until she started popping up at F1 races and kept being talked to by Martin Brundle. At first I was like, what on earth is she doing there?! But then I found out that she was linked to Christian Horner and it was rumoured they were dating. As it turns out, they got married and she is now officially Mrs Horner!

(To be fair they make a pretty lovely couple.)


  1. I liked Spice Girls and it was a surprise for me too to see her at the F1 races. I agree, she and Horner make a lovely couple.

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  4. I liked the Spice Girls as well – they were massive!

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