
Is it wrong to get a cleaner?

Cleaning products
Image courtesy of scottchan at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I know that mess is an occupational hazard of having a toddler and a baby but I am so fed up of our house being a tip! Someone suggested that we get a cleaner.

This is something hubby has been thinking of for a while and something I’ve only just started considering. So as with anything else here’s a list of pros and cons.


  • House would be tidier
  • Free up spare time to spend with the girls
  • Takes the pressure off by getting rid of the “I need to clean” feeling


  • Costs money which is currently sparse!
  • Stranger in my house makes me nervous
  • Will people think I’m lazy?

I think the biggest reason I’ve said no to this idea is because I have serious trust issues leaving someone alone in my house. The only person I really trust alone in my house is my Mam. And even if she went snooping I don’t think I’d mind!

I’m starting to come around to the idea though after recent experiences of people turning up out of the blue to see MissMostyn. Thankfully when my boss turned up he rang 10mins beforehand which gave me just enough time to do a quick tidy up! The only thing I was very aware of was the fact that we have dog hair everywhere! And the day he turned up I hadn’t had time to hoover! I was just hoping that his suit hadn’t attracted too much dog hair!

That’s the main thing that bothers me is the dogs. Dog hair is everywhere – all the time! They live in the kitchen and Gemma (our Beagle) still can’t manage a “dry” night. So every morning I wake up to pee! And sometimes to dog poo as well! It’s bloody disgusting! No matter what we try she just can’t manage to keep it in. So every morning the kitchen floor is mopped but I still feel it’s not clean enough. I would love a cleaner to give our floor a thorough clean.

If we do decide to go for a cleaner I wouldn’t ask them to do the laundry – I don’t mind doing the laundry. Something quite enjoyable about getting clean laundry out of the wash and hanging it on the line.

So what do you think? Is it wrong to get a cleaner?


  1. I would get a cleaner and I don’t have kids. I have the dog and carpets everywhere, but I have a powerful Dyson hoover that hubby uses daily (it has almost 30 pounds and I’m not keen on going up and down the stairs with it). We also have a carpet shampooer. I don’t like to clean, I don’t like to wash the windows or to dust or to iron. I don’t mind washing the laundry as it’s not really a chore. I have a dishwasher and that is very helpful.
    If you feel you need and you can afford it, do it. It doesn’t matter what others are thinking. My grandma had a cleaner all her life and others were commenting, especially as I’m from a country where having a cleaner is frowned upon. She wasn’t bothered and in the end, it was her life and her time and most likely people will comment on other things.

  2. I would absolutely do it if we had the money! I still plan on it once I start teaching again and when we have a bigger house!! Plus, you are paying someone for a service – providing someone with employment. That is wonderful!

  3. I think if you have a busy lifestyle there’s nothing wrong at all with getting a cleaner- it sounds like it would help you out lots! People definitely won’t think you’re lazy, although having a stranger in the house would concern me too.
    Lady’s hair gets absolutely everywhere and it drives us mad, so I feel your pain!

  4. Forget what other people think. You are going back to work, you need family time. I think my cleaner is an investment xx

  5. I am coming round to the idea I must admit. x

  6. It would help a lot – it just would free up the precious spare time for both hubby & I. It’s the stranger in my house thing that’s the sticking point though. Ugh dog hair is just a nightmare! x

  7. I never thought about it as providing someone with employment – good way of looking at it – thanks!

  8. Which Dyson hoover do you have? We have the upright Animal Dyson but I just don’t find it strong enough. Dog hair is just a nightmare! I’ve noticed that our windows desperately need to be cleaned on the inside – we have the outside done every 3 weeks but the inside needs to be done – mucky noses and handprints!

    Good on your grandma for defying the norm! 🙂

  9. I have a DC33, now is discontinued, I bought it 2.5 years ago. It’s great for the dog hair, but hubby still has to vacuum almost every day. We workout in the living room, so we need hair-free, dust-free carpet.
    The windows are a nightmare, I don’t like cleaning them at all and the dog with his “nose art” makes them harder to clean :))

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