I don’t know why but I’m really itching to get some work done on this house! I really want a dramatic change and a loft conversion would be top of that list. Yes I have mentioned it before and yes we can’t afford it but leaving that to one side, […]
Bywyd Teulu
All about our family life – days out, life updates, various random things
#AD – 3 Reasons Every Mami Needs A She Cave
It’s the era of equality and therefore it’s only fair that women have their very own she cave. Gone are the days where women sought refuge in the kitchen*. In today’s society women retreat into their very own she cave. (* Did women ever seek refuge in a kitchen?!) She […]
HomeStyling – Home Office Space
Our little house is a tip. I have paper and pens all over the place. So I have decided that I want a proper home office space in this house. At the moment I can’t quite decide on where. I need space to keep the computer, I need a desk […]
Latest Stationery Purchases
A little later than planned but it’s time for another PCG post with a round up of my latest stationery purchases! Yesterday I had the afternoon off work to do nothing! Ended up going out to get supplies to see me through #InCoWriMo! Ahh happy days! The Works First stop for […]
Bullet Journal (or an excuse to doodle)
During 2016 I came across the idea of a Bullet Journal. If you haven’t heard about it let me tell you it’s basically a simple planner system which is aimed to keep you organised. It’d be worth watching the video over at the Bullet Journal website. After reading about it […]
House Repairs – An Update
If you’re a regular reader you will know that we have a buy to let house. There’s been a lot of house repairs going on since we bought it but by now there are people living in it. It’s still not quite finished but it’s been repaired. So let me take […]